Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian | Depressed

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 91 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • You say aggressive. I say sick of watching people whine about politics they do not understand. That is how we all got in this fucking mess to begin with. People who know nothing about what they’re talking about weighing in with nonsensical opinions that are dismissive, half baked, and dangerous. Sure. Let’s conflate the people who have been more critical of Israel with the conservatives in Canada who are actively supporting them. Am I happy with the current government? Good God no. But I at least know what I’m talking about and half an opinion based off of reality.

    I’m aggressive because I am absolutely done with hearing politics from the ignorant. I am done hearing political opinions based on nothing more than false beliefs. Excuse me for being absolutely fucking done when the world is burning around of our ears because of people who open their mouth or act without thinking.

    I am so so sorry.

  • A countries leadership is representative of its people. That’s why they were elected. Also literally why they’re called REPRESENTATIVES.

    You are not seperate from your government. You disagree with them, you voted against them, but they still represent you to the world stage.

    If you want something different then might I suggest doing something in your own country instead of whining online about the concept of people being compared to the people they vote for. Maybe try, oh I dunno, voting? Volunteering? Engaging with the local community instead of people online? Try pushing the narrative internally? It’s almost like complaining to people who have nothing to do with your country or its politics won’t be able to impact how you’re treated.

    You might as well whine about the wind while standing next to a fan and holding the damn remote.

  • I mean… The US has literally put itself in this position. After decades of your voters not caring and buying into propaganda, it is literally a product of your own making. Is that a good thing? No. But if you’re expecting sympathy for stabbing yourself for the past half a century then you’re going to need to look somewhere else.

    I, as a Canadian, also barely give a fuck considering America repeatedly invades every sovereign country on earth through either military might or through insane pressure from the US government to have things happen the way that they want. I’m having a really hard time giving a shit about how Americans feel right now when Americans have seemingly not given a shit about the rest of the planet. Sure. Not all Americans are like that but you chose your government. For the past few decades you all repeatedly choose dumb decisions that remove your own choice. No one cares. No one acts. No one protests. No one runs. No one does shit. It’s only now, since like 2016, people are actively paying attention to politics.

    So forgive me if I give the same attention to America that it gives to the rest of the world until it fucking wants something or sees someone else doing that it clutches it’s goddamn pearls over.

    Cry harder.