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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023

  • Yeah, there’s quite a few contradictions. Like they’re the ones encouraging everyone to start having kids. If people say they can’t afford it, conservatives tell them they will find a way. So if they can’t afford it and do, they’re bad patents. If they can’t afford it and don’t, they’re selfish.

    Also we shouldn’t spend other people’s money on these people’s kids for lunches. But we can spend even more of that money putting them on the system? Like it would be cheaper to just give them a breakfast and lunch at school. So even looking at it from a libertarian tax is theft standpoint, it’s still spending money on the kids. But more.

  • I’ve seen it online more recently, but I do think it’s something most people don’t care about. So for now it seems like the best way to handle it is to just do what you normally do, and if someone says they don’t like it, don’t use it for them.

    Until then, as a wise man once said, “I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes. Hey.”

  • I would argue it’s a slightly effective form… but only if they advertise the point. There’s been plenty of times I’ve seen this for environmentalism, and people start talking about it in the comments. Not completely directly, but it gets them talking. Like when they would super glue their hands to the ground, in one video one of the protestors threw the bottle into a drain. So people started talking about how hypocritical it was because that’s bad for the environment. Which was a small thing, but the conversation was happening.

    People used to make fun activists who would throw red paint onto fashion models wearing fur. But over the years, that slowed down because designers stopped using real fur. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of it was because they were afraid of getting their stuff ruined, but now most designers won’t use fur for ethical reasons. Because they realize animals don’t need to be bred and killed for their suits.

    The only real downside is that it does make them come off as assholes, but also no real way to turn that around. Like black people would do sit ins at restaurants, and a lot of white people hated them for it… but then other white people also got to see them get abused for it. Things like that can help change people’s perspective. With this, they throw it, and then it mostly stops there. They’re just assholes. It gets the conversation going, but not enough, because it just stops at them being assholes.

  • as much as possible and in as many areas as possible.

    I do want to just take a second to highlight this. The idea of buying local and buying from people who make things instead of corporations can be hard. It’s expensive. And obviously the point is that we are all struggling. So looking at all the stuff I buy I thinking I need to spend so much more on all of that is daunting.

    We all live under the same shitty capitalistic hellscape. We can’t get out of it. We can only do what we can. Need a new dresser? A locally made one will cost you a lot. Don’t stress about not being able to afford it. If you need to, get a cheaper one.

    But for a lot of things, you can get it for just as cheap looking around on Etsy. If they have their own website where you can order it so they don’t have to pay Etsy money, even better. My boyfriend is in his last semester of nursing school, so I’m getting him a gift, and it’s custom made. It’s expensive, but most things I would get him are probably made with cheap labor in another country, and would just help prop up a large corporation.

    Does this mean everything I buy is custome made? That it’s made locally? No. I can’t afford that. But I stopped using Amazon for just about everything, have started buying from people when I can, and it’s honestly kind of nice. I got to help someone make a living doing what they want to do, instead of just working a job. So even though we can’t afford it all the time, it’s great to do it when you can, and not let the idea of it needing to be everything make us feel defeated and then never doing it.

  • I honestly question if it even still has the same amount of traffic. Like it was no secret that site had bots. It’s been a thing for awhile. But it’s only gotten worse. I get on once in awhile for one particular niche sub. But I had to stop browsing the rest.

    For awhile, subs about pop culture and celebrities started getting to /all, but it’s posts like “What’s you favorite sitcom moment?!” AITA became even more popular, but the stories feel even more fake and formulaic. Before there were times when the top comments were bots commenting on the repost bots post. Now it’s not uncommon for people to point it out. The repost bot posts, the other bot steals the top comments and post those.

    It’s also become even more right wing in a lot of places. So depending on your political leanings, that can be a turn off for some.

    Either way, the site really has gone downhill.

  • So if the problem is people excluding others because that person practices a different religion, then the problem isn’t the person practicing the religion, it’s the fuck sticks excluding them.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of religion. I’m fairly anti-theistic. Especially for the Abraham’s religion. And out of the three, especially Islam. I am also against the religion telling women how to dress for the reasons they do.

    But I don’t think this should be the schools decision. I don’t think they should tell kids they can’t dress a certain way based on the fact that it’s religious. If a kid wants to wear a cross necklace or a shirt that says something about Jesus, cool. A Yamaha? That’s fine. I might not personally be for it, and think it’d weird for kids, but also I don’t think that’s for me or the school to decide.

    Just as I’m against the authoritarian religion telling these girls what to wear

    I’m also against an authoritarian government doing the same.

    “But secularism!”

    Secularism doesn’t necesarily mean keeping religion out of everyone’s life. Just out of the government and school. Teachers shouldn’t preach it. Laws shouldn’t be mandated around it. But that doesn’t mean no one gets to practice it in anyway shape or form. It just means they don’t have any say I no the system based on their religion.

    And banning something because it’s also worn by fundamentalist makes it sound even dumber. I was raised Mormon. They wear a lot of things people wear on a lot of occasions. I wouldn’t say to ban those types of clothing because the Mormons wear them. That’s fucking stupid. No more long sleeve shirts? How about blouses? If a woman happens to like those, too bad apperantly. Fundamentalists also wear them, so now they’re no longer allowed.

    “We are banning all religious clothing, but also all clothing worn by religious people.”