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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not even sure where you’ve developed that strawman from what the dude said, his original statement or his future back and forth with you. He said that the brute force argument isn’t the best one based on research like the water experimentation on dry sand. That doesn’t mean they didn’t use brute force in labor, just that it may have been supplemented by techniques we’re still investigating. He’s not saying they used magic.

    Now we know they not only had a easy source of water, we know they had enough water to supplement the power of human labor. You just really wanted to argue so you focused on whatever points you could find disagreement.

    The whole argument is based on you really wanting to be unequivocally right about your understanding of how something was built when the article you posted is about a literal groundbreaking discovery that may change our understanding of how it was built. Just seems silly on this one I guess.

  • I think you might be one of those expert on everything types, it works really well with political garbage, but when you’re talking about historical studies of the Egyptian old kingdom that they base on modern calculations of physics using pictographs as a reference… Like it’s just sounds silly I guess.

    You are arguing for a heterodox interpretation of labor based on pictures drawn by the ruling party that has potentially tens of thousands of people building a giant stone monument, when modern scientists JUST discovered a river they only JUST realized might be there.

    Like you just really really need to be right about a field of study that’s had like 15 sea changes over the last couple hundred years. It’s odd!

  • You are dead on balls. If you ever get any additional experience hydroponically growing… Things… There’s a ton of micronutrients and minerals that a plant needs to fuel taste and smell.

    It’s mostly figured out and you can get a series of minerals and micronutrients chelated into a salt. They dissolve without large particulates in the water to not foul a water pump. Those are either suspended in solution or sold dry. You can even check how much available nutrition there is to a plant by checking the ppm and electrical conductivity of the water.

    Dead on about myco too, in soil or a soil mix, if you aren’t feeding water with properly mixed nutrients, you need both raw amendments (crushed up plants/shells/rocks/guano/insect frass)and myco/bacteria to break everything down and make them available to the plant.

    That’s for things you are growing for consumption, much less complicated if you just want something to be green, or flower with pretty colors.

  • I’ve heard this argument before so many times now it’s weird. They (the person you are going back and forth with for example) 100% agree that Israel is taking all the actions. They are killing civilians, creating a situation in which food and aid are both dangerous and inconsistent, and use AI to specifically target family homes with large numbers of civilians.

    The civilian casualties aren’t high because Hamas used human shields to make it high, it’s high because the IDF allowed for and made specific rules that targeting civilians was ok en masse, as collateral damage, using Lavender.

    Hamas didn’t make Israel pursue this war in a way that was purposely destructive towards civilians. Israel chose to do this at every turn in reaction to Oct 6th. Israel has all the power in this situation to do things differently.

    It’s not like I don’t get, I would want revenge too, but at some point they’re going to be forced to admit that the pain to the civilians is part of the point. And that their ACTUAL argument is that the civilians deserve it because of Hamas.

  • Bruh those groups of votes (if there was a positive vote and not a court battle) came at the end of large, vitriolic, sometimes violent movements. Suffrage, civil rights, gay Rights, these things weren’t pleasantly discussed then voted on and passed. There were bricks thrown through windows and buildings burnt down.

    And then many times they were based on a supreme Court decision that could be overturned, like Jim Crow and Roe v Wade.

    Almost any time civil rights and representation has moved forward, it’s been at the end of a sword. It gets removed the exact opposite way, the slow churn of the political machine being co-opted by bad players. Even when you see a military coup, it was at the end of a movement.

    Voting won’t change shit UNLESS you have fought to get what you want on the ballot or else politicians will ignore you to fundraise, that simple imo.

  • It’s funny cause yeah, John Wayne Gacy was a clown, and if you ask something or someone to describe him in one word, you might get clown with no other context.

    When you see Gacy described in books, movies, videos, etc. they usually list both clown and serial killer in the title and show a picture of him as a clown.

    How many words do I need to ask for before I get murderer added to Christopher Columbus, or genocide with Ghengis Khan. Like the opinion on Christopher Columbus only really changed starting in 2005ish, before that they were singing kids songs about that sociopath since the 40’s. That’s a lot of history of “explorer”.

    Like one word removes context no matter what, who would they be a yard stick used in any sense?

  • AWistfulNihilist@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    6 months ago

    Native Americans had the term skin walker to denote animals in human form or vice versa.

    There’s the obvious explanation we accept, with almost no evidence that it was referring to witchcraft or shamanism. Maybe a rogue god.

    But what if it’s a way to dehuminize someone to make them easier to out-group. A person from another tribe, a person who’s committed a grievous sin, like murder.

    Is it describing a mythical creature, or the soullessness of the expression of a murderer. Or “rheumy eyes” of the sick. Something you need to desperately escape to keep your group whole.

  • Bringing race or intersectionality into a class debate with the intention of poisoning the well, IS propaganda from the ruling classes. The wealthy elite may look like the monopoly guy in many peoples heads, and that guy is real, don’t get me wrong (especially in the West), and he represents a huge amount of the wealth and power.

    But the class struggle exists in parallel, class exists inside race, Indians are suffering under a class system that is being forced on them by other Indians.

    If you don’t acknowledge that the oligarchy exists to exploit, you will never address the injustices inside a homogenous culture. If you don’t acknowledge that class alone is plenty of reason to dehuminize, you are not engaging with reality.

    That all exists on the race and gender side too. We’re all in this together.