Still a very green banana.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Cop City

    Journalist and protesters in the US killed or imprisoned by cops

    Corporations using prison labor

    More things are qualifying as jailable offenses such as people’s social status or medical conditions/events/etcetera or jobs

    Cops are increasingly more prone to protect corporate interests over the public’s (who wrote that story The Last Capitalist the one were one man owned the earth including oxygen and sold it with cops protecting him?)

    a president who back tracked on every campaign promise to address policing issues

    the next election is against two people want to continue doing all the above and more

    barely leave just for the grocery store anymore

    it is getting worse your next trip outside could involve a black bag over our heads

    fucking dystopian horror show like out there

  • too bad both presidential candidates are old and conservative

    and Biden is Religious with a prosecutor for a vice president to boot who has backtracked on most of his campaign promises including his ones on cannabis which he did on day one of his presidency

    legalization is decades away and with states and Native Americans legalizing the trouble for citizens will only get worse

    there are already border patrol style policing going on at the borders of legal states, cities that are half recreational and or medical and half illegal, and thousands left imprisoned

    that is yet another failed promise wrangling in the police even going as far as turning a blind eye to cop city

    already a shit show and just going to get worse

  • is that all we did was identify a victim?

    are we not going to change the country’s gun laws or promote and fund mental health or do anything else or

    just bag and tag and move on to the next horror show

    starting to feel like any day now we are going to wake up to

    "Yesterday’s body count lottery rounded out to a solid ‘n’ sturdy thirty! Ten outta Heywood - thanks to the unabated gang wars! One officer down, so I guess you are all screwed. ‘Cause the NCPD will not let that go. Got another blackout in Santo Domingo. Netrunners are at it again, pokin’ holes in the power grid. While over in Westbrook, Trauma Team’s scrapin’ cyberpsycho victims off the pavement. And in Pacifica… Well… Pacifica is still Pacifica.

    This has been your man, Stan. Join me in another day in our City of Bugs!"

  • does not help when there are people not allowed to vote and the only other option is to vote biden who immediately went back on campaign promises such as firing staffers who were cannabis users

    same person who ran with obama and chained someone to a chair for the sole reason she wanted the same rights as everyone else who was running for president and the same biden who is touting economic wins with a federal minimum wage of $7.25

    this has been a problem before trump entered the stage and no trump did not make matters better

    maybe the citizens should be allowed to hear from all the candidates and maybe who gets to be on the ballot should a federal issue and stop going state by state in a “united states” of america on every issue