Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 6

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 6

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • CEOs of companies existed in 1939, and did before. 1939 would have been the time of the great depression, World War 2, fascism, and Batman didn’t go after them, he went after the people who needed work and took the last chance they had.

    Bruce Wayne is just a form of Bill Gates. Donates millions to charity, good causes, hospitals, fighting diseases, but he still has lots of more money than when he did before all this “charity”. The difference is that Gates doesn’t put on a mask and go punch the poor of Seattle.

    If Batman was real, he’d be a dickhead, worse than Musk or Bezos.

    EDIT: Why mine and no one elses? This dude is annoying.

  • She thought that the group of trans people that run 196 was somehow enabling transphobia and other horrid things when we constantly removed it.

    And when we removed it, she said it was better for communication if kept things up to show the idiots.

    And then when I kept it up, she got mad at me for not instantly banning and removing them.

    Like everything 196 does was inherently a master plan where we messed with all users just for her.

    She’s banned because she constantly went “I can’t wait to leave this place” and never did. So I left the ban note along the lines of “If you want to leave, you can. You’re not, you’re harassing users and defending tankies, so take this time to breath some air.”

  • “Hey as I’m being hired here, I want everyone to know that I have general anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder. I’m disclosing this to have proper accommodation, per state and federal law.”


    “Hey my depression and anxiety is really high today, I can’t get out of bed and I fear everyone around me wants to attack me. Sorry for calling in 5 hours before my shift, but I can’t.”

    “Well you’re supposed to come in today, no one else can. Take your meds.”

    If you ever consider walking onto the highway next to your job to not be at work, leave the job. Fuck that company.

  • Deeply wanted to scream that each shift during the final weeks of my employment at a gas station.

    Lie after lie, labor violation after labor violation, being gaslit day two of my employment. I still wish and hope that the owner of the store, Katie, keels over and dies.

    And I’ve informed other employees (whenever I’ve had the misfortune of needing to step inside) about the violations of whats happening, and to report them. No idea if anyone does or even listens to me. I just try to make them know they are pawns.

  • So funny enough, I was the person who banned them like a week before, and it was due to me not following the chain of comments. If you want, I will share the discord mod log where I found out who and any, and double-checked the reality of the situation.

    Believe me I don’t want transphobes running the biggest community on a trans server. But if every mod saw no issues, and I did, I assumed I was weird. And I was.

  • Fair enough, but I sometimes feel like “if no one will clean up the mess, who will?” in most things in life. Small and big, trivial and actual problems. From “if I don’t do the dishes, who will?” to “If there’s a flood of Mod requests, and everyone else is busy, I should deal with it.”

    Being an online moderator is simultaneous the most trival and easy task and “I can’t believe people say these things, why do I have to clean up the messes users leave with zero thinking behind them?”

    I recently left a role as a voted in admin of something since I grew tired of moderating my friends and the straw that broke the camels back was during the self-immolation protest a few months back ||Two people heavily implied if not directly said that if anyone in the server didn’t want to do it themselves, they are a false ally and why socialism never took root in America.|| Really was dumbfounded by such a take that I screenshot the chat logs for clarity, removed the chat, banned them, and resigned as admin and told my friends “If you wanna hang with me still, I’ll be here in this place, otherwise I’m done being here.”

    Sometimes people just say the dumbest things online, I’m one of those people sometimes.