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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Philosophical take.

    We can. We figured out how. Thousands of humans fly every day across the planet faster than any bird. We can also live in environments we were definitely not designed to whether it’s with clothing, fire, or advanced HVAC systems. And we’ve pushed that further with our own little atmospheres under the sea or in space.

    Evolution didn’t stop with us. It is us. Evolution, in trying every possible permutation landed on an organism that adapts the world around it, rather than waiting generations to adapt to the world around it.

    Now it’s a matter of if our social and societal evolution will see us succeed or end in failure. If we don’t solve the climate crises we created, if we end up murdering each other, if we get smacked by an unforeseen object from space, potentially built by even more advanced evolution, we lost, and evolution will continue. Evolution is us, but far too often we’re too blind to see that gift, and advance responsibly

  • My intention wasn’t to dismiss your argument. I think having to experience advertising in each corner of existence is the farthest dystopian we’ve come. I moreso meant that the entire system is broken, perhaps humanity is. I feel like today if I pick a group of 10 random people, 9 of them would be willing to step on their fellow humans if it meant they could get ahead. And that seems to be the cornerstone of not only capitalism, but the hyper-capitalism we see today. We’ve really reached a peak of “fuck everyone else I’ll get my own” and I hate it. So I mean that to a franchise owner struggling against a multinational trillion dollar fuel conglomerate, yes it’s a no brainer. They take the pittances just as they fuck over their employees who also take the pittances, it’s shit all the way down

  • Especially with how often today you’ll find a gaming or software project with little to no available documentation and just a “Join the discord!” Link somewhere as a replacement. Discord is neither indexable nor archivable on the public internet, and when it eventually shuts down, an incredible amount of orphaned software projects with no public documentation will fade away. And this doesn’t at all mention how terrible a chat platform is as a drop in for organizing gestalt knowledge