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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

    1. Most people who want him to drop out were never going to vote for him anyway.

    2. People (perhaps erroneously) perceive a chance of Biden actually doing it. Trump will never drop out as winning the presidency is his only shot at avoiding incarceration. He’ll probably run again in 2028 if he’s still around by then.

    3. Trump isn’t incumbent, meaning the GOP already had a full primary in the past year. They’ve already determined they don’t have a better alternative. Technically the Dems could have nominated someone other than Biden, but it was never a very likely possibility, so people aren’t as familiar with Democratic alternatives.

    4. Republicans either don’t believe any of the criticisms you made of Trump are true, are okay with them, still believe him to be the lesser of two evils, or some combination of these. This is largely due to right-wing propaganda e.g. Fox News, OAN, Info Wars, etc.

    I’m no expert, these are just what I perceive to be happening. There’s probably other factors at play as well.

  • You’ll probably get really sick of cottage cheese, for one. You’ll also lose a lot of weight. In fact you’d be malnourished. Its only about 700-800 calories a day, which is far too few for almost anyone. The weight you lose won’t just be body fat, you’re body will start converting muscle tissue for energy. Thankfully this will be slightly mitigated by you’re now quite high protein intake: 102g per day! Too bad you won’t have energy to go to the gym on account of starving.

    Also I bet you’ll get diarrhea.

    Don’t do it, at least not for a full month. If you’re gonna try it anyway then take multivitamins and drink a ton of water.

  • I guess you’re some flavor of bisexual as you are attracted to some men (based on the femboy remark) though you’ve got a distinct preference for femininity even in men. If you go scrolling through old Tumblr posts long enough you’ll probably find a term someone coined back in 2013 for your exact orientation… But, like, IDK man don’t overthink it. If anyone asks just say whatever feels right in that moment, straight/bi/pan/whatever.

    And remember saying you identify with a particular orientation isn’t some huge commitment. Saying you’re bi (for instance) doesn’t mean you’re attracted to all men, and no reasonable person would expect that. We all have preferences within our orientation.


    No. You’re figuring it out. It’s okay to not have all the answers

  • Stores have tried it. Customers hate it. Chiefly because many people simply don’t carry any coins on them. You can’t have all of your store’s registers set to card only mode (yes this is very common for some reason) and then expect people to have a coin on them at all times, so they don’t bother.

    It also seems trivially easy to circumvent. Easier than remembering to bring a quarter with you when you go to the store.

  • A law like that would be a violation of our rights

    We have a right to not clean up after ourselves? Tell me more

    The fact is you’re borrowing a cart from it’s owner, probably a store. If the store requires you to put it back and you don’t the they would be within their rights to sue you over it. The only reason they don’t is because their damages would be massively less valuable than their legal fees and the time it would take to present a lawsuit.