Hello! I’m Chloé, a nerdy ace transbian :3

This is my Lemmy account that I don’t use super often. However, I am active on the microblogging side of the fedi at @carotte@toot.cat :3

pronouns are she/her

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • similar boat here: what I’ve noticed is that, on your instance, ‘foreign’ toots will only show the favourites coming from your instance. So, if 3 people from your instance favourited a toot that has 1500 favs total, you will only see 3 next to the star

    this isn’t true for boosts, and I don’t know what causes the difference there. Its probably something to do with an incomplete federation (either because of blocks or simply because your server isn’t aware of all the others; I’ve noticed that the difference is much larger now that I’m on a smaller instance with less connections), but I’m not sure

    for toots coming from other people on your instance, you will see the full count on both favs and boosts

  • Idk, i used KDE 6.0 stable on fedora and it was still a jankfest


    simple example: when I setup my distro the first time I didn’t set up a password for the user (i don’t remember if it was for the root user or the base user). to me, it meant that on next boot, I wouldn’t have to enter a password. (I know this is incredibly insecure, I was just testing things out in a safe environment, I figured that I would add a password later)

    nope! the account used a default password instead. which I didn’t know, obviously, and had to look up. yes, this is really silly and my fault. but honestly, a good DE should have done something to stop that from happening; if anything, just not letting me not setting a password in the first place

    and I’m not getting into the nightmare that was trying to figure out the desktop edit mode… (looks like KDE 6.1 is fixing that, thank god)

    say what you will about distros like gnome or pantheon but this sort of stuff just doesn’t happen
