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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Letter paper (8.5" x 11" | 215.9mm x 279.4mm) is kinda sorta pretty close to A4 (8.27" x 11.69" | 210mm x 297mm) so without having the two next to each other, it can seem like A4 is just a funny piece of letter, and vice versa. But to answer the actual question, USA and Canada (and apparently thr phillipines???) use the “North American Standard” which is a terrifying mess in comparison to the beauty that is the ISO standard.

  • You know what, you’re right. Looks like I’ve gone too long assuming they were interchangeably usable by changing the surrounding words.

    I’ll redact my previous statement, though to be clear, I still strongly disagree that one could say that the attackers schizophrenia was definitely a factor in this without having a previously existing mental evaluation and the expertise to understand it. You could say that it’s more likely to have been influenced by his schizophrenia, but as I previously noted, a relatively small minority of schizophrenic people are violent (10-15%).

  • You don’t need to be a psychologist to determine whether his mental illness was a factor.

    I’m not saying his mental illness was the reason.

    Please continue saying more contradictory statements.

    If you think it could be a factor, then you think it might be a reason that he did this. It could be a factor, but again, neither of us are equipped to evaluate the mental status of someone based on news articles.

    Edit: Factor =/= Reason. My argument in this message is flatly incorrect due to this, though I’ll leave it up.

  • A person who is mentally ill and has done violent things, doesn’t mean they did those violent things because of their illness.

    In fact, your “common sense” isn’t even supported by science.

    • Only 10-15% of schizophrenic people exhibit violent tendencies

    • Schizophrenic people living in communities are up to 14x more likely to be the victim of violence rather than the perpetrator

    • Finally, this is anecdotal, but for whatever it’s worth, I have multiple (3) friends who are schizophrenic and they are genuinely the kindest people I know, whether or not they are on their medication.

    Stop vilifying the mentally ill.

  • All your explanation is neat and all, but I’m going to stop engaging. You’re refuting/attacking points that are systemically related to what I’m talking about, but aren’t actual values I hold, nor have I indicated I hold them. I will however address 2 things you said, just for fun:

    I believe you didn’t intend to. I also believe a lot of those who upvoted you totally think you did.

    Argue with them when they comment with incorrect interpretations then? Why are you arguing with me about how my (in my opinion) incredibly clear non-endorsement of a system could have been interpreted by some people that left upvotes?

    It is bad. Destroying families bad.

    Yes? Again, nominally I agree with everything you’ve said, you just dont understand the north american tipping system, or that saying “how it works” is not the same as saying “how this good and well designed system functions”

    Oh and for what it’s worth, I promise you that the upvotes on my comment in fucking 196 weren’t because of some imagined endorsement for tipping culture or capitalism (again, we’re in 196). They were most likely because you are being truly insufferable.

  • You’ll get a lot farther with people being kinder in their corrections of your incorrect presumptions if you vibe check yourself and cool it with the providing the enlightened eurobrain takes.

    If I were you, I’d be a tad more cautious with the use of that word, “works”. Seems a lil bit overblown for what you are talking about.

    I know the north american tipping system is a top-down broken trash fire. You’ll find that I never actually endorsed the system, just commented on the reality of it. It’s possible for someone to acknowledge how something works (“how it works” =/= an endorsement of functionality) while understanding that the system itself is negatively impactful to those inside it

    If you don’t check the amount before entering the pin, it’s a you problem.

    I’m not an American, so someone else is free to correct me, but most of the US is still being introduced to chip cards. I believe there’s still places where it’s not exactly uncommon for the server to swipe for you.

    But then, you are legally allowed to literally kill them, right?

    Holy bad faith Batman

    if you can’t afford having employees, then don’t.

    Yes… I agree. I never actually endorsed the north american system though?

    A cursory glance at your profile tells me that we’re probably roughly equally far left, so why are you trying to start a war here when I was merely trying to correct your functional understanding of a system.

  • I’m not going to shame you for being a eurobrain, but why would you start talking authoritatively on the deranged state of North American tipping culture when you dont seem to understand how it works?

    It’s surprisingly common for cashiers to re-enter your tip amount for you when they reset the machine if there was an issue with your transaction, or maybe they fudged the automatic gratuity on a large party, or maybe the person needed assistance with the machine and the cashier decided that was their chance… Unfortunately when people’s incomes rely on tips, and a tip is expected on every meal, it’s only a matter of time before someone takes advantage, and unfortunately some people just… Aren’t super observant.

    As terrible as Capital One is (extremely bad), this isn’t a dark pattern to keep you from spending money, they get more out of you if you spend more on your Credit card because of the interest on repayments.

  • Holy shit. It doesn’t matter if the Jews did committing acts of terrorism during ww2, and it doesn’t matter that Hamas has committed acts of terrorism.

    And I can tell you why it doesn’t matter in one (slightly run-on) sentence.

    Because no act of terrorism justifies the actions that Israel has taken against Palestinian civilians just as nothing that was done or could have been done by the Jews leading up to WW2 would have justified the holocaust

    There is no justification for genocide. Israel can attempt to eliminate Hamas for the actions committed on Oct 7th, but that doesn’t justify their complete disregard for civilian safety and well-being. (Nearly 30k palestinian civilians dead already)

    Also, I just want to make it clear that almost every piece of rhetoric that has been used to excuse Israel’s actions in this genocide, were also used to justify the actions taken against the Jews during WW2. And I’m sorry, but if you’re falling for it now, you probably would have fallen for it then too.