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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Khotetsu@lib.lgbtto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI need Rule
    8 months ago

    As of a few months ago, lemmygrad is run by them as well. I don’t remember the specifics, but there was talk of some form of taking over every other Lemmy instance as well (I know there were calls for it from at least one of the tankie communities, either lemmygrad or hexbear), and the general hostility of both lemmygrad and hexbear users was why many instances defederated from them at that time.

  • Khotetsu@lib.lgbtto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI need Rule
    8 months ago

    The mods of a certain pair of tankie instances a few months ago were talking about taking over all other instances of Lemmy while the userbases became increasingly hostile towards users who disagreed with the idea that Stalin/Lenin did nothing wrong and that China is a perfect country who can do no wrong and has never done anything bad.

    People have the right to not be harassed and take action to prevent said harassment.

  • Khotetsu@lib.lgbtto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneIt's gone
    8 months ago

    I totally understand this, because we often attribute features that are either androgynous or culturally considered feminine (but especially androgynous features) with prepubescence. So you’ve got the rounded faces and lack of secondary sex characteristics that we would associate with older people, plus fashion that could easily be considered “younger,” and despite probably being intended to be 20 or so, they look much younger.

    As somebody who’s got that scruffy white Jesus look going on but doesn’t have a square jawline and often wears hoodies, I’ve more than once been mistaken for a high school/college student - even by high school students no less - despite being in my 30s. Being hit on by college kids almost 10 years younger than you is an awkward experience I would not wish on anyone. As is having your mom be mistaken for your grandmother.

  • That’s a great point about the poster and the contest, I’d never made that connection before. I mostly remembered the backlash targeted against the original artist of the poster and the bitter irony of the company using the poster to do the exact thing it was created to criticize. I remember the cosplay contest and thinking that that was a gross costume, but didn’t think any further about their use of the photos of a cis woman cosplaying as an over-sexualized trans woman to sell the game or anything. Just goes to show that even as a member of the targeted community, you can miss these kinds of things.

  • Reminds me of how something like 60% of video games only exist as emulators, because companies never bothered to preserve them in any form. There was even a remake of a game in the past few years that still had the Skidrow logo in it, because the devs had to go and torrent a pirated copy of the game since the original code was gone and they forgot to remove the cracker’s logo. There was also the infamous GTA remake that was made from the phone version of the game for the same reason.

  • I agree with you that it’s a complicated issue with no right answer and I don’t think that warrants the total destruction of the piece of media in question. And I don’t think you meant that it did either, but it seems that people think you did.

    This situation reminds me of the old episodes of Mickey Mouse (Steamboat Willy? I can’t remember the exact cartoon the episodes came from, if they even came from a specific series at all and weren’t just one-offs) where Disney has a disclaimer on them if they’re ever shown anywhere about how they are for archival purposes only and that they reflect the views and culture of the time that they were made in, and how that doesn’t make those views okay. Because they’re super fuckin’ racist cartoons, like full on black people = monkeys racist, and Disney knows that that’s not okay (more like they know that showing that would lose them money at any rate), but that doesn’t mean that they’re not worth preserving so that we don’t lose sight of what the past actually was like and allow people to slap rose colored glasses on the “better days” or something.

    As others have mentioned too, it also depends on how the depiction is used. Like when there was all that outrage over the Cyberpunk 2077 Chimaera “Mix it Up” posters of the girl with the giant “package” under her one piece. Yes, those posters are gross sexual objectification and horribly transphobic, but that’s the point. They’re intended to show how fucked up the dystopia of 2077 America is and how advertising has always used sexual objectification to sell products, and if a company thinks that using trans people’s bodies will sell a product, they absolutely will. Just like they do every year with Rainbow Capitalism during Pride.

    There are times when the destruction of something horrible is absolutely the way to go, like when Germany destroyed all the Nazi statues right after WW2 and put a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust where Hitler’s bunker had been. But even then, it’s vital to preserve that past so it can’t be washed away. The Germans also took photos of the statues they destroyed, to preserve it so that something like that can’t happen again. We can’t learn from our mistakes if there’s no evidence that they even happened.

  • There’s a great video on this that was made when YouTube first started rolling this out called The Cobra Effect: Why Anti-Adblock Policies Could Hurt Revenue Instead, and one of the points mentioned in the video is the rising number of people who use an adblocker, and not specifically mentioned but shown in the video is a graphic from an article from 2015 which shows that just under 43% of people use an adblocker. That number will have obviously changed in the past 7 years, but if we just use 25% of viewers as an estimate, that’s 25% of all viewers on YouTube who may turn to more “malicious” forms of adblocking such as things like AdNaseum and ReVanced or sites that host YouTube videos without the ads, and tell others to do the same if they’re sick of ads. And even if they do give up and watch the ads, the science says that people who use adblockers are much less likely to click on an ad and make a purchase, which is bad for advertisers since they pay for the number of views an ad gets and their clickthrough rate would go down, making it more expensive and less profitable to do business with YouTube.


  • Khotetsu@lib.lgbtto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneAI rule
    9 months ago

    But they will stop hiring artists, and that’s more to the point of what they were saying. We’re already seeing some jobs being replaced with algorithms (mostly stuff like shitty click bait journalism, but still), and art has long been considered a skill not worth paying for. In centuries past, art used to be something only the rich could afford. Now, people get upset if artists charge $60 for a commission.

    The algorithms won’t need to produce work better than we can, or even equal. It just needs to make stuff that seems value appropriate. People have already made algorithms to imitate certain popular artists’ styles, and they’ve seen a hit to their income as a result. Why get a commission done from one of them when you can go online and get 50 for free that are kinda close, and then just pick the one you like.

  • You can kindly go fuck yourself. By assuming people not only aren’t doing anything about the state of the world because they complain about it online but also assuming that they are in a position where they can do more, you are part of the problem. Especially by giving such polarized statements that simply shame people and have no clear, actionable suggestions on what to do. The system is designed to isolate people and prevent them from utilizing the power that they have to change things, and here you are, whining that people aren’t utilizing their power to change things. You’re just as bad as the people you’re complaining about. You’re not changing anything other than the number of people in the world who want to punch you in the throat.

    There’s a reason that historically, most protests in the US were centered around a core group made up of college age kids, up until the past 50 or so years. It’s because that demographic has (had) the most free time and least financial burden. It’s the reason that college is so expensive nowadays. It was retaliation against the college kids who protested against Reagan when he was governor of California. The lack of free time and financial pressure on the workforce ensures that we’ll be less able to exert our power to change things.

    If you actually want to help, you can help get people to the polls, especially for state and local level elections, or help aid groups that support striking workers. The reason old white people control so much of the state and local level government isn’t because people are sitting at home whining - it’s because their boss told them that they’ll be fired if they take the day off to go to the polls, and their district is so gerrymandered that it wouldnt make a difference anyways. The racist retirees are the ones who go to every town meeting and show up to all the hearings and community polls because they have all the time in the world while they live on their pensions. So, if you want to change the world, start by driving people to town meetings and to the polls on the local election days. Fight to ensure that people have the time and can afford to exercise their rights to make the world better. Or you can keep whining on the internet like a baby.

  • This is something I have a real love/hate relationship with in Overlord. In the books, we get to see a lot more of what’s going on in Momonga’s head and how his experience as an average salary worker affects his decisions in his new role as an all powerful lich and the dichotomy of how he perceives himself vs how the people of the world perceive him, which is really cool and fleshes out him as a character and the world a lot more. But then people in the new world will casually throw video game terms into their speech like “putting levels into x class,” and it really throws me out of the world.

  • Khotetsu@lib.lgbtto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneImagine the Rule
    10 months ago

    I feel like there could be a market niche for it. Replace the tapes with something… more aesthetically pleasing, maybe hook it up to a remote so you change it between a few preset shapes easily, maybe a pair of motion sensors as an option so that it “opens” on its own, and I think there is some appeal to this as some sort of room divider or something.

    Rich people will spend money on stupid things they’ll never use just to flaunt their wealth, so put a big enough price tag on it and I’m sure there would be some kind of market for it.

  • Khotetsu@lib.lgbttoMemes@lemmy.mlHasn't happened yet
    10 months ago

    As a whole, the Dems are pretty center of the aisle, because America as a whole is fairly conservative compared to Europe (despite 60% of the population being more liberal than the government at most times). Europeans generally consider the Dems in the US a conservative party, and corporate Dems are definitely closer to the right than to the left. The other issue besides the general conservative leaning in the country though is that there’s about 50 other groups of various left leaning shades that would be their own separate parties in Europe but are bunched in with the corporate Dems and therefore have little say in the party platform.