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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Russian nukes don’t work either. They are over 50 years old and have been maintained almost exclusively by notorious black market scalpers. All of the rocket fuels, guidance system parts and detonation components on the black market in the last several decades have come from Russian systems.

    If any of them would successfully launch, they would likely not make it to their target. If any of them made it to their target, they likely would not detonate. If any of them detonated, they would likely be duds.

    Putin is a toothless saber rattler who needs to be Putdown.

  • …supporting Israel gives the US a stronghold in the middle east…

    This is a common misunderstanding. The U.S. gains absolutely no localized advantages in maintaining a relationship with Israel. We have no unique military positions or irreplacable business relationships with Israel. None. If anything, our support of Israel strains our much more profitable relationships with their muslim neighbors in the region.

    The reason we are married to Israel is AIPAC money. AIPAC will shift support from Biden to Trump the very moment Biden stops supporting Israel or its genocide. AIPAC money is diverse and global. They are kingmakers right now. The game Biden is playing is related to AIPAC and their allies.

  • I feel dirty admitting this, but this time I’m on the side of disinformation. More lives will be saved by saving our nation from the fascists. This time, I won’t be trying to talk any sense into them. I want them to ignore the science and distrust medicine.

    Our nation’s most vulnerable groups as well as our planet’s normal (non-conservative) people are on the verge of being permanently oppressed and/or exterminated. If stepping aside and allowing the oppressors to kill themselves will prevent that outcome, then we need to grow a spine and do exactly that. Let’s encourage them to shrink their voting base while voting is still relevant.