Making a genuine effort here to make this post within the rules of this community. I notice there is no qualifier for meta-posts; mods I’d love if you could just let me know to take this down rather than ban me. :)

Pretty much what is in the image.

  • I appreciate the effort and values behind responding to reports with the reason.
  • But I don’t appreciate how the responses, especially to trolls, give them bait to double down in their offensive rhetoric.
  • .world already has an which DMs users with the reasons for mod action on their content.
  • About half the time this mod will also continue to engage with the trolling user.
  • Lemmy doesn’t allow unflaired mod comments as of now so this just proves to add more fuel to the flames and make this community more toxic than it was without this action.
  • I recognize this will be an unpopular post, and believe me, again, I appreciate the effort put into informing us why things are removed.
  • But please consider stopping, or at least doing it in a way which doesn’t amplify trolling.
  • This also goes for other communities moderates but this is the primary source of the issue.
  • Thank you with peace and love.
    26 days ago

    Very concerning if true, though unless this is regarding the mod OP mentioned, this is not the exact issue at hand.

    In my opinion, the mod structure established by Reddit and perpetuated by Lemmy is extremely flawed and will inevitably lead to abuses like this. This is the predictable result of all governance structures that lack democratic oversight. Exactly what the best oversight would look like I do not know but I hope there will be experimentation in this vein in the future. Until such time, I doubt this issue will be resolved very successfully.

      26 days ago

      I can neither confirm nor deny, but the moderator in question is still on the active mod team.