To the contrary.
You totally are an icon.
You truly slay, and could shine at Broadway and 42nd.
You’re what you want to be. An e-boy, a femboy, a catboi. Anything. No matter how weird to others, if it’s true to you it’s true to any divine god that might be out there. You are as divine as they come.
Crime is the opinion of the state. Sin is the opinion of a single religious ministry, and there are thousands of other ministries who disagree. Right and wrong are entirely up to you and how you choose to live. (Yes, it’s a big responsibility. You can handle holding the launch codes.)
Brigham Young University is more interested in money and power than it is in negotiating sound guiding principles. It is totally a part of the Christian nationalist movement seeking to instill autocracy in the US. And it’s trying to capitalize on your sense of social propriety in order to enrich itself and signal to its violent collaborators. The society it wants will pollute us to extinction.
You are valid. You are the same star stuff the rest of us are. And you matter.
I mean that would make a great t-shirt.
No Brigham Young Virginity Club, I am not currently a sinner, but I sure wish I was!
Why not both? Nobody says you can’t be both, right?
The founder of the church had no problem with premarital sex. He married many women who already had living husbands.
Is that really premarital, though? Sounds extra post-marital to me.
BYU V club is satire fwiw
In that case, I’ll take it slightly more seriously than I do the Mormon church
Using “slay” in “Slay, Queen” as an adjective instead of a verb is hilarious.
it also emphasizes the importance of a comma
Yeah, but “Queen Slayer” has some regicidal connotations…
both. both is good.
The gang goes to Utah.
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint. I do not feel ashamed.
I’m a bitch
And a boss