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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The problem is that when everyone is using their right to deny access to their works to make people give them money, and there is only so much money you can reasonably spend on entertainment and so on per month, people end up abstaining from a lot of things they could otherwise have taken part in for no extra cost.

    I think that the things we pirate have a value: music, movies and games have a value because they are cultural products and vulture is important, software like photoshop has a value because it is a useful tool. Putting up barriers to accessing these things means destroying this value. Having a system where the main way to make money of e.g. music is to paywall it has the “destruction” of a lot of value as its outcome. In some ways streaming platforms like spotify are better in this regard but then that means giving the platform a lot of power over music discovery for example. Spotify doesn’t really do a good job of paying its artists either which is its supposed ethical advantage over piracy.

  • I think that a system where we should abstain from things that are basically free to reproduce (i.e. things you can pirate) is dumb. There are many movies that I probably wouldn’t pay money to but that I’ve pirated. The companies that own the rights to the movie don’t lose any sale they would have otherwise made but I get whatever enjoyment I get from watching the movie at least, so it’s a net win.

    When I pay may bills at the end of the month I also put some money towards paying for things that I’ve pirated that I like, usually with a focus on smaller creators. It doesn’t really feel meaningful to pay for a marvel movie for example. It’s not really a perfect system but neither is artificially limiting the access to digital media.

  • We can distribute digital media for almost nothing, yet the way most people and companies make money of digital media is by creating incentives to not consume it. Taking part of digital media has a value and artificially creating barriers to doing this means destroying enormous amounts of value.

    This is clearly a very bad system and piracy is a useful strategy for creating the possibility of something better long term and to keep companies from putting up too large barriers short term. The only reason why we have the convenience of e.g. spotify is because of piracy, without pirates we would likely have something more expensive and less accessible instead.

  • Hard to generalize about all hackatons?

    I have a somewhat cynical view of the crypto community, but

    It feels like I’m watching Shark Tank or any show where participants try to sell the idea to VCs, instead of a programming tournament.

    Seems like something that might disproportionately might affect blockchain hackatons. There are in my experience a couple of different people who are into the blockchain: libertarians, people hoping to get rich and people really interested in the technical aspects (some overlap may exist).

    The “hoping to get rich people” can sometimes be in conflict with the tech people and I think that this might be an example of this. If you’re just interested in getting rich the actual technical details don’t matter, just your ability to build hype around them.