zifnab25 [he/him, any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Europeans: “Those perfidious Russians and the nefarious Chinese are the two single biggest threats to our domestic security. Why… they’ll just hack into any old thing and fill it full of evil communist propaganda. They’ll shut down our critical infrastructure, hijack our data services, and spam us so full of phishing attempts that you won’t know what’s safe to click on! And all just to watch us fail, then laugh at us. The fiends!!!”

    Also Europeans: “Google’s CEO said we need to dismantle the last ten years of digital safety standards so we can undermine the YouTube adblocker. Make this our top priority.”

  • Natalie should know better. But also… the really nasty shit under Obama was heavily under-reported and only ever seemed to penetrate media in a select few circuits. Casually tossing off a “What even did Obama do that was so bad?” is almost forgivable if you’re not a terminally online 30-year-old who makes hour long YouTube videos about politics, history, and culture.

  • Nobody even said “universal” anymore. Its all just “affordable”, as though the problem with health care is entirely bound up in the retail price.

    Hospitals closing up shop because the cost of insurance and rent has skyrocketed.

    The number of doctors heavily lagging growth in general population.

    Access to all sorts of specialty medicine gated by region, because there just aren’t enough rich people with cancer to justify modern therapy in a poor city.

    We’re still arguing over Medicaid expansion in states where they’re hemorrhaging all their medical staff due to shit pay. If that’s my two sides? Yeah. They’re equally useless.