• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • From what I can read, he chose certain ministers to placate his opposition, but chose people that would be more sympathetic to his cause and would overall support him. The precious government, while handling the unprecedented pandemic very well, also continuously overspent on top of what the previous previous government spent. What Milei is doing is completely cutting back, stabilizing the Argentinian economy, then will allow the next government to reintroduce subsidies. Like he said, times are hard, and they will only get worse before they get better, but it will be better than what would have happened under another leftist government.

  • The US has sent around 14 billion dollars to Israel on top of the 3.8 we send every year. With Israel claiming 15,899 killed and Palestine claiming 22,835, we recieve a dollar to kill ratio of 1.1 million to 779k per palestinian. The US had a 10 million per Iraqi ratio after the conclusion of the Iraq war. Ukraine has recieve 46.3 billion dollars in military aid. With around 100k dead russians we are getting a kill every 463k per Russian ratio.