Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I wanna see a massive dump of them. All of them. If you gonna smoke smoke weed. Fuck tobacco and anyone who thinks it’s cool. They have the freedom to choose for sure, but anyone that chooses that is 100% idiot until proven otherwise.

    No ifs, ands, or buts. If you like it, you are part of the problem.

    Quitters finally saw the light. People who start smoking in the 2020s are just outright stupid. It’s not all over TV anymore, it’s not the cool teenage rebellion thing. It’s not even hidden knowledge about how bad it is to start, and how hard quitting is. Wtf is making people start now?

  • Man I remember that update. I did hear about it pretty quickly so I never actually downloaded it, but I saw screenshots afterwards of people reacting to seeing the ads and shit, and found qbit to be basically the same thing with a slightly different skin.

    I still prefer the look of the old uTorrent (I’m assuming it’s very different now) though.

    But I stopped using torrents probably within a month of that happening. Haven’t messed with piracy since, but things are looking… inevitable.

  • I think they use the email too. I once made a second with the same email and it was fine for a few minutes and then banned. I hadn’t voted or commented on anything yet.

    Then I made another with a brand new email on a different service and it too was banned pretty quick before I engaged with anything. That one I think was fingerprinted because my home IP changes every couple months naturally, so I wasn’t on the same IP that would have been banned. Also sometime around then I started using a VPN and it was still banned, so I’m thinking it was a fingerprint.

    At that point I was kinda over it but I was curious about the system. So I tried once more with another new service email, on a different IP from being on a mobile away from home. That one worked. It probably still works, but I don’t remember it or the password or the email I made for it. So it’s out there somewhere, but I don’t care any more because this all finished up around the time reddit killed third party apps, so I found this and my app came over, so I just entered the fediverse.

    I still have my NSFW account there which does still have all of my niche interests in far greater supply than I’ve found here so far. I’ve got my NSFW account here, but all the communities die pretty quick, so it’s not much use yet.

  • That was all too early for me to be following any political news.

    In a way (just this one way) I’m glad he didn’t.

    At the time I was so in brainwashed conservative land. If I saw Bush get in trouble I would have stood by him simply because “Republicans good, Democrats bad”. And it might have affected my waking up to the actuality, and maybe slowed it down to the point where I’d be defending Trump now. If the last guy got in trouble but was Republican and therefore innocent, it’s just happening again, gosh dang those lefties.

    That’s literally the depth of thought in that camp. I’ve been there and seen it, I did it myself. They don’t have any higher functioning logic to speak of. They really latch onto the victim mentality, even in their source of news. Since, at the time it got popular, Fox News was really the only right-leaning mainstream "news " network. I remember being told by my mom back then that it was the only one that wasn’t “super liberal”. And I took that at face value for years, not even questioning it. That’s all it takes when you’re that young. And then they’ll defend it to their last breath when they only think like that because they were suggested to once, and they build their whole world on it.

    Had to scrape myself out of that thinking. Took me forever. Turns out deprogramming yourself against the thinking taught to you by everyone you’ve ever known and with only tangential knowledge of others you know doing it is difficult. I knew one guy that broke his programming, but didn’t really broadcast it, so I didn’t really catch on to much of it. But later I had a roommate that would talk about it all the time, and could back it up. That really got me thinking, and ended up being like the starter pebble you nudge down the hill that becomes the huge snowball. But that’s probably a story for a different kind of post. Probably a whole other community.

    I didn’t really have any exposure to anything outside that world until I was 25 or so, when I met the previously mentioned roommate. I still find pieces of that old thinking and influence in me all the time.

    Thanks for coming to my accidental TED talk. Got a ramble going there.

    Edit- fixed typos and added the part about FN.