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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • What, specifically, have they tried? Did you try trazodone? I don’t think Xanax is the solution you think it may be even though it worked for you.

    Is the issue falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you have an idea of what prevents you from falling asleep? What do you think about when you’re in bed falling asleep? What is your natural sleep cycle timeline? In other words, when do you naturally get sleepy and if given no restrictions, when would you wake up? How is your sleep hygiene (really, not just what you tell people)?

    Do not, I repeat, do not go in there asking for Xanax or you will be labeled a drug seeker permanently. A doctor is not going to give you Xanax for this, full stop. They’re going to ask all of the above questions and try other avenues first. If they suspect an anxiety disorder they will move up that avenue and you may need a benzo but you have to be under care for a while and basically prove you’re trustworthy.

    I have massive sleep problems too but you don’t have enough information in your post to give any other advice other than the standard sleep hygiene stuff you’ve already been told.

  • Oh god it’s the ghost of online relationship past. Apparently kids are the same 20+ years later.

    In my experience, yes those are red flags, and this is NOT a good situation. You mentioned his age but not hers but I’d bet dollars to doughnuts she’s younger than him.

    Listen, I know from personal experience this relationship is a bad Idea and Aunt Weariedfae says get out and do not feel bad about it. She’ll realize later how manipulative it was. That the power balance was way out of whack. What controlling behavior is. I think he did your friend a kindness by straight up admitting he wouldn’t visit instead of scheduling trips and canceling last minute over and over.

    I’m sorry your friend is in this situation. I also don’t think your friend may listen to advice about decoupling. But maybe she’s smarter than myself and my friend who also went through the same thing around the same time. Hopefully she is.

  • weariedfae@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world---
    2 months ago

    I don’t disagree with you entirely but there are some areas that do have defined societal rules where life saving is not the legal obligation. Now, this varies by state (some have samaritan laws) but many places you are not under a legal obligation to administer life saving aid. For example, providing CPR in areas considered medical backcountry.

    I think it’s already a mixed bag and the default position is not “protect/rescue human life in all cases” legally. Morally I would say it’s a personal decision, I know I would most of the time in scenarios I can think of but obviously there are scenarios I can’t think of.

    My point is it’s already murky and there are already exceptions.

    Edit: actually the more that I think about it the more exceptions I can find your thesis. The first thing they teach you in First Aid/Cpr and the reason my entire class failed and we had to redo a 10 minute exercise to pass is that the #1 priority is your own safety. You have to secure the scene. If saving someone requires endangering yourself you are CLEARLY and unambiguously told to not attempt life saving aid until you can minimize or eliminate risks to yourself. Also see: Yellowstone hotspring rescue attempts, river rescue attempts, etc.

    So again, nothing is clear and human life is not to be protected as a rule in “all” cases. EMS and police are not even obligated to save anyone in all cases.

  • I am not a doctor.

    Q: physically, how are you watching them? On a couch? Lying in bed? Hunched over on the bus? Phone? TV? Do you have auto motion plus enabled (you monster)? Do you watch it in one place? Has that room been checked for carbon monoxide? Is it a basement? Has it been checked for radon?

    It could be a lot of things and there’s not enough information provided but the first thing that occurred to me is blood pressure. Do you have a blood pressure cuff? Try to use it when you’re feeling light headed and when you’re not and comparing numbers.

    It could be a physical things about the position of your body, pressure on something because you’re hunched over or something. It could be a visual things too. There are conditions where moving/changing visuals could affect you.

    It’s kind of overwhelming all of the things it could be and you really should go to a doctor.

    While you’re waiting for your appointment try to make observations about what is the same about reading vs watching and what is different. This will help them figure out what to investigate.