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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Like firing clay in a kiln, and for the same reason. “Canine” is actually a bastardisation of the 14th century term “Claynine”, because their bones were believed to be made of clay. Of course we now know this is not true - dog bones are made of a substance that merely resembles clay in many ways, but has a unique molecular structure making it semi-permeable to the red blood cells produced by the marrow. This clay-like substance can indeed be hardened by exposure to extreme heat, which is why it is not recommended to leave your dog in a hot car unless you want an invulnerable dog.

  • I know I spoke about elections specifically, but I think most of my anxiety comes from how much bigger than just politics this problem is. My concern about what we’re facing is that we, each of us, can no longer trust evidence we haven’t borne firsthand witness to. It’s more fundamental than “spin”, or anything that’s come before. The greatest periods of advancement in human history happened on the back of the printing press, the telephone, the internet. Each of those new technologies heralded an expansion of an individual’s reach until any given person could reach across the globe effectively instantaneously, allowing theretofore unprecedented levels of human collaboration. Now we have a new technology which threatens the shrinking of our individual worlds, our social circles, down to just what and who we can reach out and touch. We won’t be able to trust anyone or anything else. It sounds like living all the worst parts of a Neal Stephenson novel.

  • I fear the only real solution to deepfakes is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and always be excellent to each other, because I know that’s never going to happen. There are simply too many individuals and other entities happy to take advantage when given the benefit of the doubt. So what do we do? Isolate and mistrust each other? Cut off all but a handful of trusted confidantes? That’s exactly the goal of the people trying to fuck with our elections. Do we descend into fascism? Also the goal.

    I just feel so defeated (which, yes, is yet another goal of the adversary). How do we win this?

  • “Not being able to draw” is indeed a limit, one I share with *quadriplegics as another commenter was kind enough to correct me (😅).

    Using a tool to break that limit sure seems like playing with limits to me, sifting through iterations and refining prompts sure sounds like a drafting process, and changing elements with inpainting to stitch together your drafts into something close to what you have in your head sure sounds like revision. All of this, which can take hours or days of you want to be so exacting, sounds like “putting the work in”.

    Does using AI suddenly mean you can draw? Of course not. But I don’t think it’s at all fair to say using AI means someone has no imagination.

  • Well, I’ve shared my creations because I think they’re funny too, and maybe other people will, but I’m not gonna put them on an album and sell them! I’m just arguing the creative side of it. Those tracks wouldn’t exist without my lyrics, and I typically go through a bunch of “takes” to get the melodies and rhythms I want, so for someone to say there’s no imagination involved feels thoroughly unfair to me.

  • Well first off, most paraplegics still have use of their arms, so drawing should not be a problem there

    Lol fair enough, my bad, I’m still shaking off the sleep, I did mean quadriplegics!

    So then in this view it’s not just using your extremities to create art, but any part of your body, which is a crucial part of the process. Your mouth, a foot, a nostril - all valid bodily extensions to interface with the world and create “real art” with.

    But language is another interface between someone’s mind and the world; why is that not a valid extension to create art with? What about people who generate their AI art piecemeal, using inpainting and careful prompting to correct features they don’t want? What about professional photographers using their existing knowledge of photography to create award-winning compositions entirely with AI? Is it fair to say these people have no imagination?

  • So a paraplegic can’t be creative? 🤔

    Or, let me rephrase because this is a serious question testing the limits of your statement: what impact would you say being a paraplegic has on someone’s ability to create art, given that (according to you) they cannot perform such critical parts of the creative process?