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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024

  • So then Trump should still be prosecuted, right? Since he allegedly broke the law 91 times, 34 of which he has already been found guilty of exactly that… right?

    Pretty sure that the point of the ruling is to grant Trump considerably more ammunition to fight with since it wasn’t an outright “no, he’s not immune.” Any hedging that this was not a political move by the very conservative court is willful ignorance of reality.

    We as a nation have only two hopes left: that the public creates an overwhelming lopsided victory for Biden in November (unlikely since nearly half of the country would suck Trump’s very tiny penis if given the chance), or that Chutkan and other judges don’t let this moronic Supreme Court decision change their rulings since supposedly the decision leaves it in these judges hands. And it’s now very unlikely anything will occur prior to November so we may be left with only the one hope.

    Make no mistake — Trump is a criminal, a convicted felon, and Trump supporters love it. Because yet again they think they’re “owning the libs” when in reality they are destroying the republic with their sycophancy. I sincerely hope they each get what they want and the country gets irrevocably destroyed — so that their owning of the libs is complete and maybe, just maybe, they’ll finally shut — the — fuck — up.

  • In general and on the aggregate, I am with you.

    However, as an anecdote, I took in a couple of very conservative Christians who got evicted, gave them time (to pay off bills) and resources (food, water, power, internet, a bed, a roof…now at 4 months), and they’re not lifting a finger to help around the house and expect our kid to do their dishes and take out their trash.

    Sometimes people are just selfish greedy assholes and there’s no changing that even with time and resources. And trust me they will be getting evicted from my house quite soon (with proper notification by state law).

    I hope this experience doesn’t make me a bitter old fool. I truly do. Because I love the concept of helping others, it just tends to backfire more than I’d like.

  • “Welcome to the desert of the real” --Morpheus, “The Matrix”

    But I agree, it would be nice if Lemmy could be a haven of intelligence, logic, and reason. But the cockroaches simply move from one infestation site to another, impossible to eradicate.

    The only way you will get what you want is to unplug. Stop browsing the internet, get outside, and enjoy the sunshine.

    Many of us long for the internet of the 90s – even with its slow dialup speeds and loud modem sounds. It was fresh, exciting, fun, and unencumbered by the weight of millions of trolls who either hadn’t yet discovered it, or hadn’t yet been born. Now, it is littered with such trolls who have what they perceive as their intelligence spoon-fed to them by the very few major news outlets – and mistakenly think that their confirmation bias found in their search results is somehow proof of their intelligence. Critical thought is all but gone, replaced by a terrible version of the telephone game, where facts get lost, or worse, purposefully outright removed.

  • That’s because every single conservative I have met or known, act and think the exact same way — selfish and self-righteous, and they damn everyone else who isn’t themselves or their family members.

    And I have met thousands, since I have lived in the bastion of conservatism for 30 years (and yes I’m quite unhappy here and can’t wait to move).

    So yeah I’ll paint them all with that same brush because they ALL voted for Trump (the literal dozens that I know and keep tabs on, which is a fair sampling against all I’ve ever met) and took away rights from people I care about by getting 3 lying justices on the Supreme Court.

    As the saying goes…if the shoe fits…

  • You so desperately want to separate the two, you’re literally arguing the opposite. Conservatism has been the Republican Party since the 1950s at minimum and much more likely quite earlier than that.

    If conservatives think the Republican Party doesn’t represent them, then why has that party continued to exist?

    Short answer: because they’re the same thing. You can’t on one hand declare that “they don’t represent conservativism” and then on the other hand allow the party to continue.

    It’s not at all correlation — it is exactly causation. Conservatism == Republicanism. And the reason it does is because it gives conservatives the platform and power that they desperately want in order to enact their backward ideals, whether economic or political, it makes no difference.

    If you feel so strongly in your position, then instead of quibbling over semantics, maybe start your own party of such righteous conservative ideology and let’s see whether it serves those ideals or whether it devolves into the same bullshit that the Republican Party has for decades.

    I would assert that any party based on conservative ideals will, at some point, become akin to what the Republican Party has become. And the sole reason — critical thinking is not a part of the ideology.

  • Not one of those do liberals have anything against – and in fact, much of which is championed by liberals. You are either trolling or are completely and utterly deluded with some kind of brainwash that makes you think you’re somehow not a liberal.

    Every single conservative I know and have heard/read is quite against freedom from religion, quite against the right to clean food and water, quite for imprisonment of criminals even in a case as small as owning a marijuana plant, are quite happy to scowl at what they consider unfair trials (see: every conservative talking head about Trump’s trials), and are quite happy to “own the libtards” by depriving them of life, liberty, and security.

    So, maybe you should take a long hard look at what it is you really believe in, because you’re more liberal than you think.