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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I grew up in a town that had one brewery until the late 00s/early 10s. The food was okay but the beer tasted like rubbing alcohol. It was really fucking bad. The brewers were full of themselves and thought they had first mover advantage. A couple of new breweries opened up and things got way better. Suddenly the community was actually vibrant. A few more opened, a few closed, and that cycle started rolling. The overall quality of brewing improved drastically except at that shitty first brewery who constantly struggles to retain talent and compete (other than location which guarantees a steady supply of drunk businessmen who can’t tell good beer from shit beer).

    Don’t limit your club. Stifling community will only harm the community. You don’t need to trade secrets; you should always trade ideas and be supportive.

  • Depends on how you use capitalism for alignment. If we view capitalism as necessary for alignment, this is probably lawful neutral if not lawful good. There’s honor in selling the right product and you’re not breaking any rules here. If we view capitalism as unnecessary or even evil, this is much more on the lawful evil side than chaotic. Again, it’s not breaking any rules and it follows a strong code of conduct. It’s hard to view a company that remains in business for any period of time as chaotic because you need a system to systematically take advantage of everything.

  • The ostensible point is to prevent resellers from platforming your code. SSPL is an answer to, say, AWS offering your product much cheaper than you can. RSAL seems to be Redis spinning their own SSPL, BSL, whatever bullshit license because they’re not happy with the existing faux open source cloud licenses that prevent platforming.

    There really isn’t a good way to handle this from an open source perspective. Cloud majors can and will undercut the fuck out of anyone to establish dominance. Ideally you’re providing a better support experience or working with them (until they decide to kneecap you) to maintain your business. Previously Redis had an paid tier that had functionality not available at the OSS level. I think that’s also legit.

    I personally loathe the compliance issues these random shitty fucking licenses throw and don’t think trying to claw back business from majors is the right approach. The little guy is going to follow the path of least resistance which means you’ve made your software enterprise only.

  • I think everyone should have access to books and audio. It’s very important for people like yourself to consume a lot of material so you know there are people that don’t have infinite money to buy and store all the things. I know that comes as a shock. Would you like some resources that might expose you to other new ideas that will help develop yours?

  • I really don’t understand your perspective on commerce. You seem to think that everyone has unlimited space in a house that they own or the money to fund movers to keep shifting things around all the time and that no one ever has to get rid of anything ever and everyone can always afford everything ever or companies are always making everything they’ve ever made. I think you’re just trolling so I’m done with this conversation.