Proud multicrafter, making cool stuff and all over the Fediverse like a rash. Find my various stuff at

Gamedev alter ego:

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Hey, bit late to this discussion (found it while searching for something) but since you seemed interested in a casual user’s pov:

    I’m a member of quite a few Lemmy communities that are really small, and I’m very active on Mastodon. So having those small communities in a list feed on Mastodon is really handy since I don’t miss anything and can just jump in with a reply on stuff without switching over to Lemmy.

    I also post a lot of the same type of stuff to both platforms and sometimes it makes sense to keep that separate, but sometimes with niche interests it’s nice to be able to cross-post and get both groups of people chatting together in the comments.

    Of course this is a moot point because federation between my Masto instance and Lemmy is currently broken, but it was really great before and I miss it a ton.

  • There is definitely the concept of monetised (ie ad-viewing) vs unmonetised views, here’s a random day example from mine:

    Unfortunately I can’t see a way to filter to just unmonetised views, to take a look at the traffic sources. I did have a quick look through the traffic sources in general though and can’t see any of the popular frontends listed in external, other YT, or anywhere else. So if those views are counted (which it seems like they are from the experiment in top comment) I expect they probably end up in one of the “unknown” buckets. Whether that means it really is unknown or just that YT don’t want to be drawing attention to these services by name, who knows.

  • It could actually be an instance thing, because depending on what’s actually federated with you you’ll get different results.

    One thing I like to do for my main tags is do an occasional trawl through the results on that site I linked, and compare it to search results from my server. Anyone not showing up is either on an instance that mine has blocked (in which case booo) or they’re just not federated yet because nobody on my server follows them. In which case I follow them!

    This can be a big advantage of themed instances because if you’re on, say, then chances are the people on there with you are already following lots of people posting about it elsewhere and so you’ll get lots of search results. But if you’re on, idk, an instance about birdwatching then it’s less likely to already have a lot of Warhammer content federated and waiting.

    One of my accounts is on a tiny creative server so I’m good for knitting content but struggle a bit with the weekly NFL live-tooting for obvious reasons!

    And yeah I do agree following hashtags isn’t the be all end all (especially with the lack of language filter), but it’s a good way to start at least finding those people you want to specifically follow 🙂

  • Seems like the specific issue is this:

    • If the community is on your local instance, it doesn’t show the instance in the dropdown. If it’s a remote instance, it does.

    • However instead of using the actual unique URL of the community, it uses the display name. So in this case and both have their display name set to just “Ireland”.

    I think differentiating between local and remote communities is actually pretty useful but obviously the second thing is a problem when you’ve got competing communities on one server. Which I guess is a thing that people are doing.

    Maybe instead of:

    • Ireland
    • Ireland

    it should be showing

    • Ireland (/c/ireland)
    • Ireland (/c/ireland_on_lemmy)

    which not only fixes this problem but also means you can see how to get to a community to go check it out before posting there (this comes up sometimes in the process of crossposting) and it’ll stop, say, a mod giving their community an unrelated name to confuse people into posting something inappropriate or whatever.

    There should probably also be a character limit on the display name because that UK one is obnoxiously taking up all of the horizontal space and leaving no room for its actual identifier.