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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I know of one person in my wider circle who reacts also pretty bad when children are being children around him. In his childhood, every time he was loud, wanted attention, or just did what a child does, his parents (they did not even want children; he was an “accident”) got really angry at him. So children being children is a trigger for him.

    Talking to a trained professional helped him immensely to handle this.

  • I get your point and understand where you’re coming from. I think you’re right from a certain perspective.

    But I want to add that it doesn’t matter that they declared they want to stop shipping to Israel; if the entire trade route is affected, it’s just terrorism, plain and simple. Securing vital trade routes and sending a clear signal that this conflict won’t spiral is crucial for stability.

    Also, this is an international issue (trade route security), not purely an American one. While the U.S. could handle it easily by themselves, it would lead to more significant problems and conflicts in the long run.

    I just believe inclusivity is always better than exclusivity.

  • Interesting perspective, but these attacks were different from what they did before. I can see the argument that the Israeli government downplayed their preparedness to make Hamas’s attack more devastating than if they had taken it seriously from the beginning. This tactic could then be used to partially legitimize retaliation and the subsequent siege of Gaza.

    There are too many factors at play for this to be a “normal” Hamas attack gone wrong. The scale and preplanned targets suggest it was not an “ordinary” Hamas operation.

    While I usually agree that the simplest solution is often the right one, do you really believe this was more or less a “normal” attack that spiraled out of control?

  • Apologies for the misunderstandin of your statement. My bad.

    Why do you think China, one of the main trading partners with the West, should not be expected to participate in securing a primary trading route, especially after expressing a desire to play a more proactive role in securing the Middle East?

    Certainly, the recent surge in attacks stems from the Israel/Palestine conflict. While one could argue that we all bear some responsibility for reaching this point, the attacks on trading routes are carried out by a third party financially backed by another entity, mainly Iran. These attacks, though related to the conflict, involve non-direct participants, including the ships they target. This categorizes them plainly as terror attacks on a trading route, and there’s no need to let it escalate or reach a point where other uninvolved groups might be tempted to join in.

    I agree; China’s best move for now would be to sit and wait, maintaining distance. It gives them more breathing room. China, especially the CCP, has its interests in mind and isn’t particularly interested in helping causes that don’t further their goals. More “chaos” in the Middle East is something CCP leaders would likely appreciate.

  • You meant it intensified; they existed and attacked the shipping route before this conflict escalated.

    Also, many people forget the modern West uses retaliation as a tool against terrorism. Basically, if you mess with civilians, you’ll face swift and harsh consequences. The attack legitimized a retaliatory response.

    That’s why it was confusing when Hamas initiated this phase with a terror attack, as Israel would invoke the retaliation card, supported by the USA. Humanitarian concerns become secondary to the objective of neutralizing or controlling Hamas. Crying for more humanity or boycotts won’t significantly change the priority list.

    The best outcome Hamas could have hoped for with the attack that started this is what’s happening now: chaos, more hate, conflict, and the end of normalizing relations between the USA and some Middle Eastern states. They knew Israel would use the “9/11 card,” and the USA would allow and support it.

    Just to be clear, I neither support any form of “genocide” nor take sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It’s odd to categorize so broadly and inclusively.

    If you believe China’s reluctance to participate in these maneuvers is due to the genocide allegations, then it’s improbable, considering China isn’t known for opposing genocide, (especially against Muslim groups). Practically, what Israel is accused of aligns with China’s agenda – acquiring land, eliminating cultures, religions, and populations based on ethnicity. Just because China is more discreet doesn’t make it morally superior.

    Example here: Uyghur genocide.

  • test113@lemmy.worldBtoWorld News@lemmy.worldAfrica’s first carbon-removal plant
    9 months ago

    Yes, it is not feasible; it costs more to extract it from the air than the benefit obtained from burning it, and then it still needs to be stored for at least a few hundred years in solid or gas form. Otherwise, it goes right back into the atmosphere and the effect will be null. We looked at a similar concept at my university, and the professor said, I quote, “Whoever comes up with these bullshit solutions does not really understand how climate change or physics works; it is not a solution to our problem.” We also had a project like this in my city where they captured it just to sell it to a greenhouse, which releases it back into the atmosphere, so the concentration stays the same and, de facto, they have removed zero carbon from the air because it basically goes right back into the atmosphere. Actual solutions exist, but they are expensive and extensive; people will start implementing them in, let’s say, 70-120 years from now, right around when we start feeling the full effects of rapid human-induced climate change.

  • test113@lemmy.worldBtoMemes@lemmy.mlReddit
    1 year ago

    No more awards and such, I guess. It will be terminated in September. I came across some screenshots of people attempting to get a refund, explaining that they had purchased so many Reddit coins that they couldn’t distribute them before the shutdown. Meanwhile, here I am, observing individuals who possess more wealth in Reddit coins (which hold no real-life value) than I have to buy food for a year. We truly live in a strange world. I don’t know why they decided to get rid of it, but it does seem odd, especially considering there are people who even “whale” within the Reddit community.

  • I’m pretty sure the point of these protests is not to make an immediate impact on statistic you pull out. They know better than that. It’s about the big picture. It’s about raising awareness of environmental problems and keeping them at the forefront of people’s minds. It’s about reminding people what’s at stake. The details of how much emissions they saved that day are irrelevant; it’s about taking action.

  • How do you define causing more harm than good? To our species? The people who can afford overseas vacations? The economy? And surely, it’s not foolish to think that destroying our planet has no consequences. 😊 What do you think people should do to protest? They have been protesting for years with proper permissions and official support, and guess what? Nobody cared. I’m not defending their actions, but I can understand why the situation is escalating. Depending on where you live, tensions rise in more than one sense. It’s difficult to witness the world deteriorating. You can choose to ignore it, of course, but ultimately it won’t matter. We are all facing consequences, whether from nature, our own species’ actions, or social and economic inequalities. Perhaps it’s a combination of all these factors. Who knows? XD - The next chapter in our civilization will indeed be interesting, as in one way or another, change remains the only constant in life.

  • Bro, what? Let’s say you’re a baker with a storefront where you sell baked goods, and in the back, you make your products. However, if you look at your books, you realize that you’re actually making money not from the bread you make and sell, but from selling something entirely different. Now, what happens if this thing that you’re selling to make money becomes unavailable, and other bakers who are actually making money from their products outperform you over time? Yeah, Tesla is screwed. They no longer make the best bread, and their main source of income is gone once regulations change. Other bakeries will surpass them with time. Tesla is an interesting concept, but it’s not just a car manufacturing company; it’s a tech company that is lagging behind in innovation and has run out of profitable ideas to sell. Tesla stock is traded as a tech company that is supposed to have groundbreaking technology that makes them more valuable than other car manufacturers. The problem is they don’t possess such technology, so it’s a massively overvalued car company. My prediction is that within five years, other car manufacturers will completely surpass Tesla, and within another five years, Tesla will become mostly irrelevant. This is assuming nothing changes, as they have nothing in their pipeline that gives me confidence they can turn this situation around. Elon Musk is great at selling “fake” visions that, when scrutinized, do not hold up.