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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Even Gazans are sick of their shit

    Sure but how do you think Gazan feel about IDF? Every person at least one family member, some lost their entire family. not to mention their homes, their shops and their lively hood.

    Even Palestinian from west bank where not spared with illegal settlers harassing them, kicking them out of their land and stealing their crops.

    Please don’t get me wrong Hamas is a terrorist organization but so is Natanyahu and his government.

  • am not a doctor myself but from what i know, the reason you increase the dose in first place is that your body build tolerance. if a normal person were to take same dosage as a long time drug addict they would die in minutes

    reasons for death of overdose:

    • someone went to rehab and lost their tolerance then went back to drugs with same dosage they used to take
    • someone missed a dosage and went through horrible withdrawal symptomps so when they finally got the pill they took too much
    • buying certain drug without knowing it is laced with a more powerfull one

  • People tend to resort to religion when they are in dark place. Countries with high poverty levels would tend to be very religious. Its just a coping mechanism with poverty, injustice and hopelessness.

    Had you been born in these conditions, you also would’ve been very very religious (or committed suicide otherwise). But also what if Gaza was not religious? They are still at mercy of Israel/Egypt. They can’t export anything without these countries approval. They travel without their approvals, they can’t invite experts to come without their approval. Its hopeless eitherway