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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023


  • Well, actually it can be. It just takes a lot more to decompile code than compile it. Depending on the objective accuracy.

    Example: the Super Mario 64 Decompilation project. This was a project that used various debug data that was left in the rom to decompile the game back to a source code that compiled a byte accurate version of the rom. This took about 3 years and a lot of skilled developers to accomplish.

    Side note: Super Mario Bros wasn’t built using a compiled language, but rather Assembly. So technically that would be a Disassembly not a Decompilation.

  • Quick recap.

    So, Linux is Linux because a set of events that lead to it being named after Linus.

    It wasn’t uncommon at this time for Unix systems to be named after their relevant creator or platform like this. HP-UX, PC-UX A/UX etc.

    Linux would probably be seen as LIN-UX or LIN/UX, it may not seeing as Linux is not Unix, but that’s just speculation.

    Linux in its proper reading would be Linus Unix, but that doesn’t make any sense Linux is Unix-like, but it was made in a vacuum without access to Unix source or even Unix systems at all near the beginning.

  • The War on Christmas is real.

    And I’m tired of pretending we started it.

    They struck first. Invading Thanksgiving and New Years. But like all memorable wars they started within their own borders.

    Conquering the lesser known holidays in their ranks. As well as the weekends. Then they expanded into November and January. Then into February and October.

    The war continued until they had conquered Halloween, Labor Day, and it had gone so far that they had conquered July. “Christmas in July” they said.

    11 months of Christmas. They had almost taken it all. Then, just as all hope was lost, just as it been considered a lost cause. They stopped.

    Christmas stagnated. For 60 long years we waited.

    Enduring losses and louder (and earlier) Christmas carols. Planting their lights and decorations unto our territories. Creating propaganda and even launching pressure campaigns.

    Labeled Humbugs, Grinches and worse for daring to stand against Christmas.

    But slowly as the songs got older, and the propaganda aged. Fewer and Fewer dared to pressure those who stood against Christmas.

    We took our months back. We didn’t even know It, but we had just awoken a sleeping monster.

    As we regained July and September, we slowly took back the early months, may, April, march…

    We managed to start encompassing the holiday season. That’s when it began. The War on Christmas, or so those on the side of Christmas claim. But we know better.

    Happy Holidays.