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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Apologies I misread your comment and thought you were saying the CCP were Nazi’s.

    Since you mentioned it, i have to ask what’s so bad about China now?

    Not a big fan of any nation state myself as an anarchist but want to know specifically what you’d consider bad that couldn’t be applied to the US or other western nations.

  • So an organisation the US is a member of, contributes to financially and has a large amount of influence in has blocked the democratic election of a Latin American leader. Allowed the installment of a temporary leader that they like. The current US president at the time vocally backing the organisation mentioned above and regurgitating the misinformation pushed by that organisation.

    The only involvement you saw was a couple of congress members calling for the US to investigate and calling for the US to promise not do what they have always done, starting now.

    Did you even read the article?

    Also nice of you to ignore the first half of my original comment.

  • There is no such thing as passive surveillance if all surveillance data can be automatically flagged or you have an army of agents trawling through it all. Both things America is doing.

    Saying fuck the US government online probably puts US citizens as well as global citizens on lists.

    America is notorious for embedding into and destroying movements. This happens to this day.

    Also hate to break it to you, if you’re in the US you’re physical movements are also most likely tracked.

    It’s pure cope to say you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide as you just did.