Mijn naam is soswav, jij vis!

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 25th, 2024


  • soswav@feddit.nlOPtoUnixporn@lemmy.ml[hyprland] butrinium
    1 month ago

    i’m forced to use it because some people (friends) are in there, and using element (or similar) is too “crappy”

    i also “switched” (i really just added the repos to arch linux) to add both the nonprism and libre repositories (i’m currently not using the libre repo due to issues with it (spooky), your-freedom also messes with some hyprland dependencies)

    the logo is nice, and i also like the name (it means “pay attention” in a joke-ish way over here! it obviously means other thing, though)

    so yes! i guess i’m killing all the purpose of parabola with these screenshots

    btw, i took a long time trying to make grub work after adding the repos (and libre-fying some stuff) which was sort of annoying (i had to chroot more than 10 times in one day!)

  • I don’t! Though, I do leave them floating! (Maybe I’m too lazy to ‘re-tile’ them?)

    You could set them to float with a keybind like this:

    bind = SUPER SHIFT, F, togglefloating

    There’s also windowrulev2, which just makes it float automatically:

    windowrulev2 = float,class:^(proccessname)$

    Do not trust me on this though! There is probably a better way to do so!