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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I disagree with most of this thread. Microsoft must maintain market share at all costs, any additional monetization from tracking or ad revenue is a very distant third to that. It lives based on being the default option. A new launch will bring in new users and help keep existing ones, but it must be seen as successful. So Microsoft needs to port as many of it’s current users over as possible.

    Second I think is pruning the nightmare of legacy support. A “new” operating system lets you set a more modern baseline and tell people to buy new hardware in a much more user intelligible way. No having to explain why Windows 7 no longer works on someone’s 2007 laptop that came with it, or come up with a maze of partial support and having to work out what the last usable update was.

  • I’ve been looking for rentals lately. Every inspection has dozens upon dozens of people show up. Rental vacancies are at a tiny fraction of a percent. No landlord will take someone if the rent will cost more than 30% of their income. To qualify for a studio apartment it takes almost double the median wage.

    I hate it so much. I’ve budgeted so that I know I can afford these places on my income, I have a significant pile of savings and a stable job. I have been looking for a place for six months and been rejected from them all.

    I’ve given up. Even if I could get a place it’d be cheaper to pay a fucking mortgage.

  • Online subscriptions have actually been a thing for a long time. In some ways it’s even fallen out of favor, especially with the rise of the “freemium” model. MMOs are a great example of this as subscriptions used to be the price of entry with no other monetization, where as these days if an MMO uses subscriptions it’s a secondary “convenience” fee after entry that is almost always combined with MTX bullshit.

    If you’re talking specifically about SaaS bullshit, it’s because it required a certain level of infrastructure before it became practical. We had to move away from cash and needed reliable internet connections first, amongst a host of other developments. Anything that couldn’t be a cash purchase in a physical store was losing significant market share. This didn’t stop time restricted licenses on software still being a thing, but it was generally pretty niche software.

  • Ah, you’re right then. They are trying to skip the proper channels because, for a lot of office roles, you’re trained to do exactly that.

    A lot of my job now is emailing and calling people in different organizations and systems. For most of them, they’ll technically have forms that look a lot like a ticket system but their purpose isn’t organization - it’s a filter. If you are in the know you contact them directly. This is true of contacting my department as well, if you’re filling out a ticket you’re probably on the bottom of the pile and if we’ve given you direct contact information we want you to contact us directly.

    This leads to a habit of trying to guess who you’re supposed to contact too. The worst that can happen is you just get linked back to the ticket system so may as well try. Being good at your job involves building up a whole list of people you contact to not be put in form purgatory.

    While an IT ticket system superficially looks the same as the labyrinth of everything else we have to deal with, the difference is it’s internal. Either everyone can contact you directly anyway or the ‘wrong’ people can, so it doesn’t have the same effect of creating a curated list. It’s also an actual system (usually) instead of just being an alternative way to send an email that gets dumped into a shared inbox.

    So yeah, it’s really easy to just assume IT is exactly the same as the rest of your communications if you don’t know any better. They’re just communicating with you how they would anyone else. It is insane and inefficient but that’s just how it is.

  • No, but as a hypothetical button I could just press sure. It’d allow me to take preemptive measures about my health.

    I’d care even less about school and leave as young as possible. Then go for some vocational training and/or one of the alternate pathways if I want to go to university. Not once has how I did in high school ever been relevant to my life. My higher education has mattered, but dropping out doesn’t stop you from going into it - though it can be more (or less) difficult depending on what you want to study.

    The combination of puberty and not being able to date would suck though. At least I know what meds absolutely kill my libido and they’d be extremely easy to get prescribed. Problem is, even after I’m an adult it’d be a headfuck - I’ve always been into people older than me as is. I wonder if instead of chasing milfs and dilfs that I’d be adding a g infront with how long my lived experience would be at that point.

    If it’s time travel too all the usual bullshit to becoming filthy rich applies.