• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • Unless there’s something wonky with your virsh configuration, no.

    This is a shitty explanation and if anyone would like to explain it better feel free, but the bridge interface acts as sorta like a network switch that can forward packets as well as be used for an interface, if configured.

    What that means is, essentially, your VMs will be attaching their ethernet devices to a “switch” that then routes the packets out to the local LAN as if it were, well, a nic plugged into a switch.

    virsh shouldn’t assign an in-use MAC, as it generates a random one (and I have no idea what you’d have to do to make them not do that) so everything should… just work.

  • My nas isn’t running fedora and thus isn’t using whatever fedora uses for network definitions, but is netplan under ubuntu.

    I mean, probably the same thing, but it was shockingly trivial to configure:

          dhcp4: no
          dhcp6: no
      version: 2
          interfaces: [enp0s31f6]
          addresses: [x.x.x.x/24]
          gateway4: x.x.x.x
            addresses: [x.x.x.x,]
            stp: true
            forward-delay: 0
          dhcp4: no
          dhcp6: no

    Disabled addresses on the physical interface, added the bridge section and told it which interface(s) to bridge - in this case it’d be the real interface and whatever gets added later by qemu/kvm, and then defined the IP address info.

    the virsh network xml file was also straightforward, just make a xml file similar to:

      <forward mode='bridge'/>
      <bridge name='br0'/>

    and then it’s just

    virsh net-define your.xml.file.here
    virsh net-start the-name-you-used-in-the-xml
    virsh net-autostart the-name-you-used-in-the-xml
    virsh net-list --all

    Should show up in the net list, and be selectable by name when making a VM

  • That’s a configuration problem you’ve made somewhere: you shouldn’t be assigning an IP to the bridge and it’s constituent interfaces.

    You should take a look at your network config, and run (I’m assuming) dhcp only for br0.

    Once you define the bridge network in virsh, and use that to make your VMs, kvm/qemu will assign unique MAC addresses to the VMs, so all you really need to sort out is getting your host OS to only assign an IP for the bridge.

    Edit: also checked and yeah, eno2 and br0 and virbr0 are all different MAC addresses; did you maybe pick an option that forces them to inherit a MAC or something?

  • It’s more about the quality of the content: you posted more than a couple hundred characters and thus were able to clearly outline what you wanted, why, and how you thought that would improve things.

    Mastodon has the twitter problem where it’s short-form hot-takes and basically no good long-form content, other than like, to link to somewhere else for the good content.

    I don’t have a lot of use for that kind of content especially in a format where it’s hard to respond to and have an actual conversation. Most twitter-clone UIs don’t do a good job of threading and nesting comments in a way that you can easily follow along and have conversations with the people engaged in discussion.

    I’m old and like the forum-style interface where people can write out a complete thought, engage in a formatted discussion that’s easy to follow along with, and does so in a way that lets other people easily hop in at any point.

    So I’d say it’s less about the idea of unifying platforms on a single identity (which I think is a great idea and firmly agree that having some sort of Fediverse SSO would make this a lot easier of a sell for less technical users) but more that dumping a pile of low-quality content into a place with reasonably good content isn’t actually improving anything.

    (I would also qualify this with a comment that I’m old enough that my first “fediverse service” was FidoNet, so I’m reasonably sure I have a different opinion on the value of a well-designed platform for a single specific task vs making one that can do everything for everyone.)