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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I wouldn’t be so sure. Government bailouts tend to happen because they’re almost forces to. Where the economy can suffer greater loss without the bailout. Generally, in a scenario where a company or corporation has nestled itself into something the economy is dependent on. Of course what happens after that bailout is the bad part where it often seems nothing is done to alleviate the economy’s dependency, nor is the actions of the body receiving the bailout regulated, monitored, or needing to pay it back.

    I don’t know how much dire a state the US economy would be in with Boeing missing or significantly damaged, but can’t imagine it’s perceived to be as bad as the crooked banks.

    Edit: Oh, wait. The military is dependent on them. Yeah, there’d be a bailout lol

  • Considering the offers to skilled workers currently, honestly not surprised it’s being abused. There’s quite a few places having their property bought up at the insane offers to skilled immigrants, to never actually have any of the skilled work come, making life even harder for the towns.

    I know this because my asshole uncle is one of them and has a “Get in before they realise” mentality along with all the others. There’s YouTubers doing “dream house in Portugal” restos because they’ve come in as “skilled workers” ffs.

    Always progress, but with a balance that can’t be exploited. In this case, the rich have once again ruined what was supposed to help communities.