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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • For context, I’m a senor dev at a large corporation, that works at a much slower pace than your typical continuous integration web app. If I was to translate “Do you have bandwidth for x” from corpo speak I would say “Are you able to work x to competition without the stakeholders noticing it not progressing” . That encompasses time, but it also needs to account for all the other resources needed to do that task and more intangible things like the latency expected in updates or the amount of mental capacity (some at my company call it “mind ram” which I think is a good metaphor).

    Here’s an example. If I have a p1 that takes 1 hour of my time a day before being blocked by other people (this is common in my industry, it’s common for dozens of developers from various specialties to work on the same issue). Because it is high priority and involves many people the important thing is that I work on it immediately when the issue is with me. This is a ticket that takes a lot of bandwidth, but not a lot of time.

    If I have been assigned this issue I can work 2 or 3 p2 tickets in addition to that without missing anything. However I wouldn’t have the bandwidth to work on another p1, because if they both needed my attention at the same time, or have a meeting at the same time I wouldn’t be able to appropriately meet the needs of both p1 tickets.

    As another example, I need specialized hardware to test certain things. That HW is in short supply and those tests can sometimes run for days. If I have an issue that ties up that hardware, I don’t have the BW for another issue that uses that HW. Although I have all the time in the world for other issues, I lack the BW for any issue that needs that HW.

  • It all comes down to definitions. First off, Totally Ordered is a property of the function that compares two elements not the set you are talking about. most sets have total orderings (if the axiom of choice is true then all sets have a total ordering). With Fields and vectorspaces there is the concept of a totally ordered Field which is essentially when the total ordering is compatible with it’s field (e.g the set of complex numbers has many total orderings, but the field of complex numbers is not an ordered field).

    So it really depends on how we define the sexuality spectrum. So long as it’s simply a set then it has a total ordering. But if we allow us to add and multiply the gays then depending on how we define those functions it could be impossible to order the gay field.

    Also a total ordering doesn’t mean that there is exactly 1 maximal element (if there is exactly 1 biggest element then we say it’s a strict total ordering), so we can all be the gayest.