• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


    • Trump’s lawyers would argue that Biden can order Trump’s execution without any punishment, but that it would not cause him to win the next election because the military and other federal officials are not immune and are “obligated” not to follow illegal orders. So basically the argument is that illegal orders are unlikely to be followed.
    • Problem with this argument is that the president has the pardon power, which means he could promise to pardon people for following his illegal orders.
    • But the problem with that argument is that some believe the president could pardon himself, so maybe that situation is already a reality even if the president is not immune
    • What would actually happen? It seems like in both Watergate and Jan 6, some people did refuse to follow corrupt orders. But in the case of Watergate where there was more time and a more intelligent corrupt president, that wasn’t itself a major problem. In Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre, he forced his AGs to resign until he landed on future Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, who carried out Nixon’s illegal order to fire a special prosecutor. The bad news for Nixon is that the move was so unpopular it eventually led to his resignation as he probably would’ve been impeached otherwise.

  • As damning as the images are, let’s remember we live in an age of unprecedented misinfo. Which doesn’t just include fake images, but can also include easier things like lying about the context of the image. I don’t see any source other than this one and social media posts so that’s why I’m suspicious.

    Edit: Ok my cautious uncertainty is being downvoted by the uncautiously certain. So maybe I need to do a better job of pointing out why this might be BS:

    • The picture has no context. We can tell it’s a slightly dark skinned person, which means it could be a Palestinian, or a Syrian, or an Iraqi, or a Houthi, or an Afghan…
    • But, you say…do we know of any other executions like this? Why, yes we do. ISIS certainly did this, there’s videos of it.
    • Of course, this all assumes the picture is real. And there’s really no guarantee it is. One problem I can see off the bat is that the prisoner has a zip tie on his hand, BUT it’s tight around his wrist, unlike how you’d imagine someone would be zip tied - around both wrists. Another problem is that the arm is intact, meaning he wasn’t zip tied around his back which is how it’s usually done. It’s possible this was a soldier run over by a tank in a combat zone, and the zip tie was added later. Or the whole image is fake. Or the whole image is real and there’s some reasonable explanation for the oddness of the zip tie, I really don’t know. But it at least might be BS on some level.

  • I suspect it has more to do with the stark wealth differences in the US which are vastly higher than in Europe, especially because the above includes both public and private education. The US may spend a lot on the mean student, but not much on the median student.

    I went to a really well-funded public school, and a lot of the rich parents in the area still sent their kids to private school, meaning they’re basically paying for education twice. Rich American parents spend tons of money on their kids’ education. It would be interesting to see a map of spending per student and see how it is in poor areas.

  • I don’t think he’ll be dead, rather the Kremlin’s actions regarding him suggest they see him as useful. Nadezhdin gets a lot of help from Russian state-sponsored media in getting his name out there. And while he is seemingly willing to criticize Putin and even score some rhetorical hits, he’s also an official politician who can probably be controlled if necessary. I’m not sure whether he’s a witting part of it or not, but I think Putin wants to keep him around to manage the opposition. The legit opposition may also realize this but may support him anyway because they have no other hope.

  • I totally see your point. It still feels like wikipedia is missing something - like if I were trying to debate my uncle on whether its fair to tax people for public transportation, I’m not sure if this article would really get me the quick statistics I’d be looking for. But in order to find out why not and clarify the idea a bit I think I’ll try to make a wikipedia article like the one I’m thinking of and see how it goes.

  • Resources - Germany was occupied by 4 countries, all of which had large, drafted armies. The US didn’t ever really attempt a full occupation of Afghanistan and outsourced the occupation to blatantly unprepared Afghan forces.

    Depletion of resistance - As Germany fought almost until the complete end, there just weren’t many young male ardent Nazis left after they lost 2,000,000 people during the war. The Taliban by contrast melted into the South of Afghanistan and eventually Pakistan, and never really went away.

    Common enemy - Remember, Germany was divided between east and west for decades. Whatever Nazis were left likely retained their hatred for communism, and had at least that as a reason for collaborating with the western allies. This wasn’t as much of a factor for the Eastern part of Germany, but then again that regime didn’t last either.

    Better occupiers? A bit speculative, but one might imagine that the occupying forces would’ve been more sympathetic to Europeans that had more in common with themselves as compared to Afghans from a completely different world. American forces in Afghanistan were rather heavy-handed, walling themselves off from the common Afghan people and building detention and torture centers. The resulting Humiliation and frustration among Afghans may have contributed to sympathy for the Taliban.