• 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2020


  • Thanks for the detailed explanation

    reused some discourse about laïcité but amended it so much that it completely lost the spirit

    I guess this is the most important point. Laicite was originally the same as secularism, but the idea has been strategically manipulated by politicians, to sow divide within society. I did not know that. (TBH I didn’t know the other historical points either)

    destroy any sense of belonging or cultural identity

    I do see that pattern. Being French means being nothing but French. You cannot have a second ethnicity. France made a big effort to destroy any local identities (most famously langue-doc). The modern laicite is like a new vergonha, shaming the muslims, while creating a convenient divide within French society. A classic political strategy, old as the hills.

  • all true. but France is also explicitly sectarian. it uses this “laicité” concept, which is often mistranslated as secularism. but France is not secular - it’s a distinct thing.

    it means the state is allowed to forbid religious practices. where secularism is tolerant, laicité is intolerant. and it is exclusively used against Muslims. it’s a unique legal and political justification for state sectarianism.

    i find it mad that so few people know about it. the French politicians say “it’s just like secularism” and everyone is fooled by that.

  • Very interesting. It shows that Lemmy was always a political project. It was always meant to advocate certain politics and discourage others.

    IMO this is not what new users expect. So we keep seeing these posts of people realising, and being shocked, and sometimes rage-quitting.

    Only a certain portion of people will stay with Lemmy after that realisation, and the others will flee. Is that what you want? (again just IMO)

    If not, is there a way to make this political vision more evident, to try to stop this effect?

    TBH I’m against the politics of Lemmy. But (IMO again) despite that it’s still a valuable project, and maybe a historically important one.