Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.

I ask a lot of questions to try to understand how people think.

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • Automation and driving

    People are really apprehensive of that still. I agree, but we’re going to need more people becoming accepting.

    I’m not arguing with the job shortage. I just can’t get my head around the migration.

    There were always people filling lower paying job (I’m not advocating for less than deserving compensation). Now there isn’t?

    Maybe the same jobs exist, but new higher paying jobs have appeared that weren’t around before (new technology, more corporate,.etc), so people just skilled up, moved up, and left the lower jobs vacant?

    I think most developed countries where this happens just replace these less desirable jobs with immigration (not advocating for an idea of a lesser population)?

    Maybe there’s not as much immigration in some of these places?

  • I initially had some of these thoughts, reflection changed my mind a bit. I’m not trying to change yours, but I think some people will benefit from this.

    I am not much into art and most of it is lost on me, but the more I considered the feeling I had thinking about the restriction, the more I appreciated the fact that she can cause affects across without boundaries just by the stunt.

    This would probably be less cool if it wasn’t intended to be about a civil rights awareness thing. There’s a limit for me on how far you can go before the justification isn’t enough for the negative affects of the action, but I don’t think anyone will really be hurt by this exhibit.

  • When I first read it, the thought that came to mind was how stupid it is in this age to do anything that is restricted by gender when the rest of the world is trying to eliminate that.

    Once I read the part about the feelings, emotion, and experience the restriction brought was the actual art and not just the paintings, that’s when I thought it was clever. The definition of art seems to be ambiguous now, but I understand what she’s trying to to do and it’s still a clever in that it illicits an effect whether you wanted to visit the museum or not.

    I think people say they understand or empathize, but don’t really know what it means in a specific context until they experience it IMO.