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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Because the political left got enamoured with corporate cash and forgot that they’re ostensibly a labour party. The spent the post-Soviet era indulging on third-way neoliberalism.

    Heck, several of them are more actively hostile to actual leftist economics. Labour in the UK fought its own voters and threw elections over Corbyn, the Democratic Party in the US hates the Sanders wing more than it hates Republicans and the Canadian NDP voted for a fundraiser instead of actual lefties.

    And in doing all this, they ceded working class politics to protofacists.

  • I’ll put this back to you this way: is Likud also a terrorist organization? Is the IDF? Because they do a lot of the same stuff.

    There are definitely terrorists associated with Hamas, and Hamas definitely carries water for them, but they’re also the duly elected government in Gaza and if I were Israel I’d be asking why Gazans feel like they were so wronged that the only option seems to be a political movement that’s sympathetic to terrorist tactics.

    Saying “they’re terrorists” without acknowledging how we got here is a lot like calling the ANC in South Africa “terrorist” in the 1980s. It’s stupidly reductionist and ignores complexity for the sake of jingoism.

    It’s also why Cameron is a disingenuous jackass.