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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Before June 2023, I was a mod on several Reddit communities for about 13 years and outside of Reddit since the turn of the century. I just kinda stepped back once the Reddit BS happened.

    10 months later, my happiness and over all quality of life has improved. Not only am I no longer stressed (bye bye moderation based nightmares!), but I have way more time to dedicate to my passions and goals.

    I thought that dedication to holding together a few niche communities and battling the “bad guys” defined me and gave me a sort of immortality.

    I was VERY wrong.

    Our great grand kids won’t be trolling reddit archives, telling everyone how “cool” grandpa was.

    The greatest thing I ever did to improve my QOL was step away from moderating and leading communities on the internet as a whole. Doubly so if they involve political talk.

  • I parents owned a cockapoo while growing up, and my siblings and I didn’t like it because it was aggressive as hell and my mother treated it like an actual factual babby.

    Once my sister was eating a hot pocket, and the dog wanted it, so it mauled her badly. It jumped up on the table randomly and mauled her face. It took several surgeries to get her face back to normal. My mother lied and told the police she had it destroyed.

    About 3 years later, it became paralyzed from the waist down after it attacked me. It jumped for my face and landed wrong. It didn’t die, and my mother blames me for the incident to this day, 30 or so years later.

    It would piss and shit all over everything until it died of old age about a decade later. All the while, my mother treated it more and more like a baby because it couldn’t get away, and it wore diapers when my mother wasn’t too lazy.

    I’m sure most of my issues with the dog were due to the owner being a shitty person.

    Though after it ate part of my sister’s face, I’m convinced that it saw everyone but my mother as “meat,” which is why I couldn’t get along with the dog. I mostly tolerated it until I emancipated myself early.

  • Random computer quirks always fascinate me. The strangest one I had involved a computer that shouldn’t have existed.

    One time in the early aughts I had a patchwork computer that I put together from the junk pile of a local computer store that a buddy of mine ran.

    It was barely holding together in a rusty frame, with zip ties and wood glue.

    Its modem was temperamental as hell. It would only stay online so long as it was pinging a website via command prompt. It was only some websites, too. Like I could ping Geocities, but not livejournel.

    I remember many weekends doing Mephisto runs in Diablo II, praying that my command prompt doesn’t bug out anytime I’d get anything worthwhile.

  • The best way to do it is to go into therapy.

    You don’t have to go to therapy for the rest of your life. If you want to just work on one thing, like discovering why you can’t get into a long term relationship, then that could be as easy as 6-8 weeks once or twice a week for a half hour.

    You don’t even have to leave home as nearly all the independent therapists do therapy via video call.

    I used to run a therapy business that focused on sex ant trauma with my ex-wife, and people coming in with your issues was about 1/3 of the business sometimes.

    Another thing that’s great about independent therapists, is that will work with you on a sliding scale so that each session won’t break the bank. We would get reimbursed by grants and the government, so it doesn’t really harm the therapist in any way.

    Check out Psychology Today to find a good therapist near you