Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitates it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Is on but created this profile on during a week-long outage.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

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Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • “Briton” is generally used as the noun form of “British”, so when “Brit” is used as a noun - which is most of the time - it’s abbreviating “Briton”.

    As for who gets to be called “Briton”: In the loosest sense, anyone with residence in Britain can be counted as British when they’re here, whether or not they’re considered ethnically British (by themselves or others).

    Bear in mind that “Briton” originally mean “an inhabitant of the British Isles before any of the Romans, or various flavours of Germanics turned up”. There’s been quite a bit of admixture since then. It makes sense - to the chagrin of the Welsh, no doubt - that the term has mutated a bit over the centuries.

  • NK’s narrative is that SK is separate from the one true Korea because it’s occupied by, or at least heavily influenced by, the US. That means that if Russia were to, say, declare war on the US - however unlikely that might be - NK would theoretically be in favour.

    Kim would almost certainly be interested in finally getting to lob a couple of bombs at an actual target.

    Less seriously(?), you could also argue that Putin’s pining for the glory days of the USSR with its empty stores and downtrodden, starving citizens fits right in with what’s going on in NK, so perhaps Kim had better watch his back lest he become the former dictator of a new SSR.

  • There are plenty of stupid and/or devious people who will see what’s going on in some part of the world and believe a narrative or use that narrative as an excuse for their own ends.

    If it wasn’t her, it would have been someone else. The whole human race has a problem with human garbage who can’t control their actions. Some of them end up running countries and turning a blind eye to war atrocities, if not asking for them outright.

    This doesn’t lessen what happened to this 12-year-old victim, and it doesn’t lessen what’s happening elsewhere in the world, nor the ramifications. My point is that the link, while there, is tenuous.

    The perpetrators are human garbage who found a reason to stop pretending not to be, and now should be treated as such.

  • Somewhat relevant: I recently stopped using a plastic-bodied electric kettle to boil water for drinks because it was often making drinks taste “of plastic”. I have to imagine that some of that would have been redistributed, well, in places implied by this article.

    This makes me wonder what regular, close-to-source plastics the tested men were using around the time.

    Of course, there’s also that a lot of the water supply goes through plastic pipes these days. It would be interesting to know how much of that, specifically, ends up coming out in people’s homes.