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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I used to specifically not want A/C in my cars back in the 90s living in Denver. It was never hot enough to need it. In the past years I’ve spent quite a few days sitting in stopped traffic in my open Jeep with the thermometer reading 104-107F. Once was behind an uncovered manure truck. Good times, good times.

    Where I live now (further north from CO) there’s a massive junk yard with thousands of snowmobiles. Apparently my current area used to be a mecca for snowmobiling in the 70s and 80s, with 1500 miles of snowmobile trails. It snows maybe 3 times a year now, average of 10 inches total per season. Neighbors all around me have every kind of motor toy imaginable, but I have not seen a single snowmobile. My snowblower hasn’t been seen use in over 4 years, and the city routinely forgets how to plow or sand streets.

    Weather definitely got hotter year round over 3-4 decades. I’ll fight fellow Gen-X and boomers over this.

  • So, I was on an accessibility focused team, testing and cleaning up after the feature developers to make sure the whole product still met WCAG 2.0 to AA level. I can state with complete confidence that anyone without such a team will introduce unexpected accessibility breakage and regressions every single release, sometimes in completely untouched sections. For trivial tweaks. Screen readers are finicky, temperamental and moody beasts. Modern web toolkits do a fairly good job of being accessible out of the box, but like ChatGPT generated text, they require a bit of help sometimes.

    Would not be surprised if Reddit just wants to pay lip service to accessibility. That shit costs cubic money to do right, and slows the roll of releases. Unfortunately, most advertisers on a social platform couldn’t care less.