• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This oligarch is fascinating:

    Bella Nilsson is one of 11 people charged with “aggravated environmental crime”.

    She was chief executive of waste management company NMT Think Pink, which is accused of dumping or burying 200,000 tonnes of waste in 21 locations between 2015 and 2020.

    Lawyers for Ms Nilsson who is now called Fariba Vancor, and another former chief executive Leif-Ivan Karlsson say they deny any wrongdoing.

    She changed her name, fully. But both names are quoted in news articles, it would appear. I’m not certain if this was an attempt for her to re-brand herself.

    And to get a perspective of how great the damage was, this small snippet is noteworthy:

    In one incident, a Think Pink waste pile close to a nature reserve burned for two months after spontaneously combusting.

    Trashy oligarchs - I hope karma serves them well.

  • The intro:

    Researchers at Google’s AI arm DeepMind, continue to raise alarm bells over the potential military applications of their work, particularly in relation to contracts with the Israeli government.

    According to sources, at least 200 employees at Google DeepMind have expressed deep reservations about their parent company’s reported defense contracts, in particular its $1.2billion agreement to supply Israel with cloud computing services called Project Nimbus.

    The controversy came to light when an internal letter, dated May 16, began circulating within the organization. The memo, signed by a significant number of staff members, highlighted growing unease about the company’s alleged involvement with military organizations.

    The letter points to reports that the Israeli military uses AI for mass surveillance and to select bombing targets in Gaza, with Israeli weapon firms mandated by the government to purchase cloud services from Google and Amazon.

    Further down:

    The situation is particularly sensitive given the history between DeepMind and its parent company. When the AI lab was acquired by Google in 2014, assurances were made that its technology would never be used for military or surveillance purposes.

    We owe a debt of gratitude to the brave souls that stand up for what is right.