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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I grew up below the dirt poor, like oodles and noodles were a treat poor, with no adult supervision for a good portion of my childhood. My mom was on basically every government program that existed, that didn’t mean I got anything out of it. The only reason I survived was by people looking the other way as I fed myself.

    As I got older I had no life skills whatsoever and couldn’t hold down a job, friends, or any sort of meaningful relationship. So again, dirt poor, a little better off than I was before because there were a few ways to make money. But still I only ever got food at a store, and probably would have starved if too many people said something, or had to do even worse stuff than I was to feed myself.

    Hell even when I got myself together a bit and held down a shitty job for a while I still couldn’t afford to feed myself after the bills hit, it was even worse when I started making just enough to get kicked off state insurance and stamps.

    There are a lot of people out here just trying to survive, they shouldn’t have to steal to eat but they do and in my eyes that’s a human right.

    Side note: food stamps are a fucking joke. What they’re giving to a family of 4 wouldn’t feed a single person, from my experience at least.