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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It can be. I often find it “bursty.” I’ve had months at a time when I had stand-ups and then “do whatever you want” for the rest of the day. I generally did do useful work, but there were plently of days when I was just chilling out.

    Ive also had months where I ran from fire to fire while on fire, spreading even more fire. Also, there was fire.

    It juat depends. If some org treats you as disposable, pays like shit and lights your hair on fire as you walk in, y’all should walk back out. The next org will probally treat you better, because there are good orgs out there. Even the good places get busy for a bit though. Just make sure that busy comes with money and that it ends at some point.

  • I think we should still be mad at foreign adversary nations colluding with one of our politcal parties and a not at all impartial “whistleblower” to turn the tide of a presidential election.

    The emails themselves were barely relevant at all politically. Out of some 30k of them, 3 were found to be inappropriately controlled. Thats hardly an earth shattering discovery.

    The spectacle that Assange, the GOP and Russia manufactured was the issue. It was a coordinated and targeted attack on our democracy, and he deserves to be derided for his outsized part in it.

  • You can claim the IDF has no regard for human life, so they don’t care if they kill innocent Gazans (I would disagree, but whatever). But to claim that they try to eradicate them is crazy.

    The IDF absolutely does not care if it kills innocent civilians. You do not establish invisible “kill zones” in a civilain occupied area and indiscriminately fire on men, women and children if you care about human life. These zones are so ubiquitous and so ill policed that the IDF killed 3 jewish hostages that escaped captivity, hostages that striped themselves shirtless, called out in hebrew, waved white flags, had large signs saying they were escaped hostages, and still the IDF ran them down like dogs to kill because they violated a invisible “kill zone” boundary.

    Also, Israel evacuated 800,000 people from Rafah before entering, why do that if they just wanted them to die?

    After months of intense and very public pressure and a first in decades withholding of weapons from the US, and after very publicly murdering humanitarian aid workers that cost Israel a great deal of international support for this war. Even then they barely setup any services like tents, water or sanitation for those 800k forced refuges moved into a “expanded humanitarian area,” i.e concentration camp, all while your ministers like Ben Gvir call for the literal genocide of the Palestinian people to continue.

    These are not the actions of a country that cares for civilain life.

  • mosiacmango@lemm.eetoWorld News@lemmy.worldUS military pier starts moving towards Gaza
    2 months ago

    The US, and likely Israel, want no US military on the ground. The risk of an international incident is too high with Israels indescriminate bombing.

    Thats why the air drops and the pier exists. Even US soliders driving aid trucks, or maybe especially US soldiers driving aid trucks, would cause huge issues for both countries, even as it would likely save lives overall.

    One “accidental” airstrike on a US military aid convoy and you have real shit happening. Not to mention Hamas, fucks that they are, would be glad to kill some Americans if they could.

    Its a 70+ yr mess, and ain’t no one is solving it unless everyone involved is on board.

  • International law doesnt allow you to declare “not an embassy” because i want to kill a motherfucker in it. Countries in conflict will often have embassies filled with people the other country wants dead.

    The whole point of embassies is that they are “off limits” so that matters of state can be solved by disgruntled parties via diplomacy, not warfare. Bombing an embassy is a direct call for war, exactly because it by definition has important leaders of that countires nation inside of it.

    Bombing it is no different than bombing any goverment building staffed by that nation’s leadership in Tehran. It is in fact a huge provocation for war, and so far its only Irans restraint that has stopped this from escalating.

    The fact that Israel has put the world into a position where Iran, a nation run by theocratic despots who brutalize women and sponsor terror, is the calmer actor, is absolutely surreal.