“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom@lemmy.ml

Trying to be the best crab I can.

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Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2023年7月25日


  • In the sub I helped mod, it was a necessary way to reduce spam. Our rule was simple - no links to storefronts.

    link to reviews, link to release announcements, blog posts / devblogs - fine! link to steam or etsy or whatever - nope.

    without this nuance, it quickly devolved into a few folks flooding the forum for personal promotion. with the nuance, they’d have to create content - blogs, reviews etc., - that would actually be worth visiting instead.

    YMMV, and I think this also very subjective depending on the kind of creators involved.

  • pfft no, but we will fulfill our treaty obligations to the 24 million people who don’t deserve china’s bullshit.

    TSMC has kill switches installed already. China would only get a pile of slag if they tried it. and they won’t.

    What China should do is reassess the Treaty of Aigun - does it still really apply, considering today’s russians are neither the soviet block nor the russian empire? The areas in question are overwhelmingly asian in demographics. There’s a whole lot of resources up there just sitting around because russia’s never been able to chew bubble gum and walk at the same time, much less persecute a pointless, losing war while exploiting it’s own resources.

  • It will become its own Great Filter.

    yeah, I can’t see us passing the future hurdles and it makes me exceptionally depressed. we can’t get coal rollers and vroom vroom types to stop pouring hydrocarbon byproducts into the atmosphere, how are we going to get the entire world to pull back.

    we have one biosphere. once chance. and it’s already so very very very fucked. AMOC collapse, Microplastics in EVERYTHING including all testicles measured - PFAS everywhere - ice sheets collapsing - ocean temps off the charts - mexico, us south, india, pakistan COOKING… it’s all gonna get worse and still the assholes are talking about drilling more and driving their shitmobiles.

  • It provides people with guidelines to live a good life - ‘as long as you do these things everything is gonna be alright’.

    which is a fucking lie. the most decent people I’ve known have been plagued by disease and preyed upon by the strong and greedy. do these things and MAYBE, if you’re really fucking lucky, you won’t die an excruciatingly painful death and/or have your loved ones murdered and your life’s work stolen.

    those seem like the odds everyone gets, regardless of faith.

    The world needs more faith.

    no, the world needs justice, balance. waiting for faith to solve things isn’t going to help anyone.