• 20 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Thanks for the assistance, @iso@lemy.lol.

    My new server uses a new domain. I do still have the old data (in fact, the old server is still up - that’s where I’m posting this from).

    I installed both Lemmy servers via Docker. It would be nice if I could rsync my account data (including post/comment history) from the old server to the new server, but I’m now wondering if my changing domains would make the old account not work at all in the new server.

  • Yes, @thegreekgeek@midwest.social, now knowing that I can use sentence syntax in automations, I have built 1 automation to handle my specific needs. But each trigger is a hardcoded value instead of a “variable”. For example, trigger 1 is “sentence = ‘what is the date of my birthday’” and I trigger an action conditionally to speak the value of input_date.event_1 because I know that’s where I stored the date for “my birthday”.

    What would be awesome is your 2nd suggestion: passing the name of the input_date helper through to the response with a wildcard. I can’t figure out how to do that. I’ve tried defining and using slots but I just don’t understand the syntax. Which file do I define the slots in, and what is the syntax?

  • Thanks for the references, but at least one example from https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/intent_script/ seems to be wrong/outdated.

    From that page:

    Local lists

    Sometimes you don’t need a slot list available for all intents and sentences, so you can define one locally, making it usable only in the context of the intent data (like a collection of sentences) where it was defined. For example:

    language: en
          - sentences:
              - add {item} to [my] shopping list
                wildcard: true

    This is the code in my conversations.yaml:

          - sentences:
              - how many days until {countdownname}
                - "this"
                - "that"

    Here are the only difference I see between my code and the example above:

    • I don’t have language: en (but when I add it, I get Invalid config for 'conversation' at conversations.yaml, line 1: 'language' is an invalid option for 'conversation', check: conversation->language)
    • The example uses a wildcard and I’m using strings (but I’m following their other examples to have a list of strings)

    However, this yaml gets Invalid config for 'conversation' at conversations.yaml, line 9: value should be a string 'conversation->intents->HowManyDaysUntil->0', got None

    Perhaps I can’t have intents in conversations.yaml? Or maybe not lists? I started this project by editing config/intents/sentences/en/_cmmon.yaml but that’s a bad idea because an update would wipe my customizations. What’s the appropriate place for me to add custom sentences/intents/responses/lists?

  • From what I understand, a timer’s duration is the amount of time the timer was set to run for when it was started - the total time, not the time remaining.

    If you’re wanting to determine the time remaining in an active timer, you need something like:

    {% set finish_time = state_attr('timer.timer_entity_id', 'finishes_at') %}
    {{ '00:00' if finish_time == None else (as_datetime(finish_time) - now()).total_seconds() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}

    Or this version, which breaks hours and minutes into speakable parts:

    {% set finish_time = state_attr('timer.timer_entity_id', 'finishes_at') %} 
    {% set hours, minutes = ('00:00' if finish_time == None else (as_datetime(finish_time) - now()).total_seconds() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false)).split(':') | map('int') %} 
    {{ '' if hours == 0 else hours ~ ' hour' if hours == 1 else hours ~ ' hours' }} {{ ' and ' if hours > 0 }} {{ minutes ~ ' minute' if minutes == 1 else minutes ~ ' minutes' }}     

  • This is really confusing to me. The History list shows when this automation was turned on and turned off (turned on means enabled, turned off means disabled) but the Logbook list doesn’t show anything for this automation at the datetime it was enabled (it does show me manually disabling the automation, though).

    I searched for the automation’s name (e.g., automation.my_automation) in every file in HA’s confg directory and there are no occurrences. I also searched for the automation’s ID (e.g., 1623421375007) in every file in HA’s confg directory the only occurrence is in the Automations.yaml file where the automation is defined. I also searched for automation.turn_on and automation.turn_off in every file in HA’s confg directory and there are no occurrences.

    This seems strange: when I click on the “On” or “Off” bar in the History list for this automation and the details for the automation pop-up (screenshots below), and I then click “Related”, the section that says “Part of the following automations” lists about half of my automations, but none of them have anything to do with this automation.