• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Just because Hezbollah are not atheists does not make them religious fanatics. Sure, they talk about God every sentence but that’s just traits from being Muslims. There are Muslims who pray for safety before going into a bathroom. Muslims generally call on God for everything; even where it wouldn’t make sense to a Jew, Christian, atheist, etc.

    If they were less religious, would you be OK for them defending their land more? You are failing into a trap that the Muslims defending themselves are doing it through religious fanaticism. You are falling into pro-Zionism propaganda. They just happen to be Muslims who are defending themselves while trying to process their actions internally in a way that fits their identity. It’s not a religious war; it’s Levantine people vs non-Levantine people.

  • A blue-ribbon commission concluded that Osama bin Laden had pioneered a new kind of terrorist group—combining superior technological know-how, extensive resources, and a worldwide network so well coordinated that it could carry out operations of unprecedented magnitude

    Caves in Afghanistan…

    Honestly, the conspiracy theories for 9/11 were a thousand times more believable than this “expansive terrorist network” that somehow lacked influence outside of perhaps the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Seeing this sponsored by a US ally makes a lot of sense to me.

  • I ❤️ Basedland! This is being human, recognizing in others the same struggle you went through and want to lend a helping hand.

    DUBLIN — When Fatin Al Tamimi immigrated to Ireland in 1988, she felt like hers was the only hijab on the streets of Dublin. There weren’t many other Arabs or Muslims in Ireland at that time. “People thought I was a nun! They were always like, ‘Bless you, sister,’” the educator and activist recalls, laughing. But when her mostly white, Irish Catholic neighbors learned she was Palestinian, she says they were immediately supportive. "They’d say, ‘We know it all, we’ve been through that,’ " Al Tamimi says. “I guess because of history, the way they were oppressed and colonized by the British. It’s the same thing happening to the Palestinians.” - NPR

  • Only the desperate do suicide attacks. It’s sad that they even have to resort to such things. They weren’t militants. I heard some of them were young adults who had nothing else to live for.

    They couldn’t attack anyone if their land wasn’t stolen.

    Jews still exist in Iraq. Israel pretended to be Arab terrorists and tried to trick them into becoming Israelis. It didn’t work. Israelis allies made Yemen HELL for everyone. That’s when Israel capitalized and took in Yemeni Jews. Israel absorbed the Levantine Jews.

    France helped with the Suez Canal thing. They knew they will betray Egypt. Israel’s creation was a giant backstapping. At every step.

    I know you drunk the koolaid as soon as you mentioned Arabs have cleansed the area of Jews. The real truth is the Arab culture absorbed everyone in the region. The Philistines, Judahites, Isrealites, Arameans, Lihyanites, etc. You clearly have been forced fed lies and propaganda your whole life.

    Also, stop crying about down votes when talking about a sensitive issue. Are you really going to break down every time the rain of lies that makes up your upbringing gets challenged?