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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I would like you to explain how Captain America and Superman are reactionary.

    I mean… c’mon. Captain America is low-hanging fruit - the correlation between Captain America and actual US behavior in the world essentially writes itself.

    Superman is a far more sophisticated representation of US-style liberalism - but, just like liberalism itself, that doesn’t make Super Cheese any less of a reactionary.

    However… we can talk about the individual politics of these characters all day long - and we’d be missing the entire point of the metaphor in it’s entirety.

    The problem with the “super hero” genre is not the individual politics of the characters concerned - it’s with how they normalize and justify the concentration of power in the hands of these exalted individuals.

    In other words - the problem is fundamental.

    He doesn’t understand the core themes of superheroes,

    I think he understand them perfectly, because…

    Zack Snyder is an Objectivist

  • Thinking about the gaming magazines I used to read as a kid in the '90s.

    I remember those fondly.

    It would be an insanely short-sighted practice to not keep masters of these publications forever, no?

    You’re talking about capitalist organisations here… there’s nothing about them that isn’t short-sighted.

    The raw files probably take up a few CDs’ worth of space for the entire run of the magazine.

    Nope… just one cover page probably takes something around 300mbs at a minimum and could be a whole lot larger depending on the quality of the imagery used (if I remember my time in the printing/publishing industry correctly) Storage of already printed material in those days was always an afterthought.

    Do they retain the files forever?

    Highly unlikely - a lot of the storage just got dumped at one point or the other since there was really little reason (profit wise) to return to anything at all. There might still be an old Mac sitting around somebody’s garage or backyard which still contains the stuff, but I won’t be holding any hope out for that. There’s always the chance that some employee still has the disks somewhere (you’d be amazed at how necessary it could be have proof that you actually did work somewhere and actually did work on this or that specific thing - the bosses were notoriously petty), and I suspect that’s how a lot of stuff ends up on places like archive.org.

    The corporates themselves don’t give a shit - as soon as the profits roll in, it’s all expendable as far as the overpaid geniuses in the fancy offices are concerned.

  • Who did you think presided over colonialism, genius? Martians?

    By the time of the Great Irish Famine (one of the British Empire’s earliest achievements) the transformation of England from a feudal society to a liberal one was complete.

    The US was literally founded as the model for the liberal nation state - it’s entire history of genocide, slavery and yes, colonialism was drenched in the tenets of liberalism from the moment the constitution was signed right to this very day.

    Go redo your history - and, this time, don’t get it from PragerU.

  • Overt fascism is merely the visible tip of the iceberg, genius.

    You want examples of you regurgitating narratives created by fascists to hide behind? Sure thing!

    Also imo its incredibly nieve to lump anyone who identifies with republican as an alt-right Nazi. That is literally the same generalisation group think blame game that Hitler used to blame and prosecute the Jews.

    The right is riddled with far right extremists same as the left is riddled with far left extremists.

    They are completely comparable acts both Hitler and the left are finding real examples of a problem

    So its antisemitic when the right does it but acceptable to literally call for the destruction of their nation if the left does it

    If I really wanted to equate the left with Hitler I would point out he gained most of his public support from promising everyone land a fammilly and job. Sounds like the same thing socialism is promising.

    I guess it’s just pure coincidence that you are peddling these excuses for fascism over and over again, eh?