"Buy Me A Coffee"

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Not sure if I entirely understand what you’re asking but here’s my setup that sounds similar-ish that might help.

    I’ve got essentially 3 machines

    1. Download machine - contains Sonarr/Radar/Nzbget, etc… This machine isn’t very powerful but it has A LOT of RAM.
    2. A Nas - this is where everything gets downloaded to. Primarily this machine just has a lot of HDD space.
    3. Jellyfin box – Decent RAM and a beefy CPU for transcoding.

    The download machine has a network share to download directly to the NAS in a special /downloads/ folder. Once a download completes Sonarr, etc… move it to it’s correct media folder.

    Finally the Jellyfin machine is monitoring the media folders for changes.

    I assume you could set up something similar with Plex instead of jellyfin and then store the fully downloaded files on a separate machine with a network drive, so Plex can see it. Essentially the NAS for you would be two machines one (the seedbox) for the partial downloads and a local NAS for the fully downloaded files?

    Anyway, not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

  • Unless you have an account there’s no easy way to get access to the content on the page. Once you have an account there’s technically nothing stopping you from just saving the HTML file to your computer.

    Something else you can try though, assuming you don’t have an account, is to just turn off JavaScript. If the site lets you partially load the content and then asks you to create an account to read more, they usually just block the content by having JavaScript add an opaque overlay. With JavaScript disabled, obviously it’s not there to add the overlay and you’re able to keep reading.

  • That looks like actually responded. The ::1 is ipv6’s localhost which seems odd. As for the wong ipv4 I’m not sure.

    I normally see something like requested but responded if the router was forcing traffic to their DNS servers.

    You can also specify the DNS server to use when using nslookup like: nslookup www.google.com And you can see if you get and different answers from there. But what you posted doesn’t seem out of the ordinary other than the ::1.

    Edit just for shits and giggles also try nslookup xx.xx.xx.xx where xx.xx… is the wrong up from the other side of the world and see what domain it returns.

  • Another thing that can be happening is that the router or firewall is redirecting all port 53 traffic to their internal DNS servers. (I do the same thing at home to prevent certain devices from ignoring my router’s DNS settings cough Android cough)

    One way you can check for this is to run “nslookup some.domain” from a terminal and see where the response comes from.

  • marsara9@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.mlLemmy content aggregator bot list
    1 year ago

    Maybe. 2nd idea I’ve got is that if no one is replying after say 24hrs and something like 75-80% of your posts are as such and you have at least 100 such posts, you get added to the list?

    Main concern I see about something like this is false positives and how someone real could end up getting blocked.

    I definitely want to think on this some more but it might have some legs.

  • …I wonder if there’s a programmatic way to detect these bots? Some sort of analysis on their posting behavior?

    If they’re playing nice they’ll have the bot flag checked in their profile, and then maybe build a list of any bot that creates posts? As most of the “good” bots just reply to comments? Anyway just thinking out loud. But I’m thinking I could easily add a public API to my search engine that just returns a list of “posting bots”…

    1. Yes most trackers have something on their website to let you know what your ratio is, what you’re downloading and how long you’ve been seeding those files.
    2. With the trackers I’m familiar with yes – seeding for 9d 23h 59m and 59s is the same as seeding for 0s. You’ll still get tagged with a HnR (Hit and Run)
    3. You can shutdown as much as you like. But, again the trackers that I’m familiar with have a cap on the number of HnRs you can have on your account. So you might have action taken against you if you’re seeding 5 different torrents and decide to shutdown.
    4. Don’t know.
    5. The rest don’t appear to be questions so not sure how to respond.

  • Btw I appreciate the fediverse and decentralization as much as the next guy, heck I’m even writing software for the fediverse. But I feel like there’s a handful of people out there that want to try and apply the fediverse concept to everything. Similar to what happened with Blockchain. Everyone and everything had to be implemented via Blockchain even if it didn’t make sense in the end.

    IMO though, GitHub is just one “instance” in an already decentralized system. Sure it may be the largest but it’s already incredibly simple for me to move and host my code anywhere else. GitHub’s instance just happens to provide the best set of tools and features available to me.

    But back to my original concerns. Let’s assume you have an ActivityPub based git hosting system. For the sake of argument let’s assume that there’s two instances in this federation today. Let’s just call them Hub and Lab…

    Say I create an account on Hub and upload my repository there. I then clone it and start working… It gets federated to Lab… But the admin on Lab just decides to push a commit to it directly because reasons… Hub can now do a few things:

    1. They could just de-federate but who knows what will happen to that repo now.
    2. Hub could reject the commit, but now we’re in a similar boat, effectively the repo has been forked and you can’t really reconcile the histories between the two. Anyone on Lab can’t use that repo anymore.
    3. Accept the change. But now I’m stuck with a repo with unauthorized edits.

    Similarly if Hub was to go down for whatever reason. Let’s assume we have a system in place that effectively prevents the above scenario from happening… If I didn’t create an account on Lab prior to Hub going down I now no longer have the authorization to make changes to that repository. I’m now forced to fork my own repository and continue my work from the fork. But all of my users may still be looking for updates to the original repository. Telling everyone about the new location becomes a headache.

    There’s also issues of how do you handle private repositories? This is something that the fediverse can’t solve. So all repos in the fediverse would HAVE to be public.

    And yes, if GitHub went down today, I’d have similar issues, but that’s why you have backups. And git already has a solution for that outside the fediverse. Long story short, the solutions that the fediverse provides aren’t problems that exist for git and it raises additional problems that now have to be solved. Trying to apply the fediverse to git is akin to “a solution in search of a problem”, IMHO.

  • I don’t get what benefit hosting your own git brings to be honest

    Just another level of backup. Personally I tend to have:

    1. A copy of my repo on my dev machine
    2. A copy on a self hosted git server. Currently I’m using gitbucket though.
    3. A copy on GitHub.

    This way I should always have 2 copies of my code that’s accessable at all times. So that there’s very slim chance that I’ll lose my code, even temporarily.

  • marsara9@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldWhy GitHub?
    1 year ago

    IMHO federation doesn’t bring any real benefits to git and introduces a lot of risks.

    The git protocol, if you will, already allows developers to backup and move their repositories as needed. And the primary concern with source control is having a stable and secure place to host it. GitHub already provides that, free of charge.

    Introducing federation, how do you control who can and cannot make changes to your codebase? How do you ensure you maintain access if a server goes down?

    So while it’s nice that you can self host and federate git with GitLab, what value does that provide over the status quo? And how do those benefits outweigh the risks outlined above?