• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I know I’m in the minority but I HATE collectibles in games. They always completely kill the immersion for me. Wherever beautiful world was build is immediately transformed into some video game graphics when I find collectibles. I will never have the time nor care enough to collect them so they are just an annoying distraction. And let’s be honest all they are, are ways for the game devs to cheese the length of the game.

  • Exactly. I’d also like to add, look at Google stuff their ui / ux is routinely horseshit. So don’t tell me there are ui/ux gurus out there GIGAchading user interfaces.

    A lot of this shit is trial and error and even then they still fuck it up.

    Make it accessible, make it legible and then fine tune it after.

  • It’s also so, so, sooooooo easy to post right wing bullshit because it’s always emotional shallow and without any nuance.

    So if you say immigrants are stealing all our jobs and committing crimes all over our country! People are already getting riled up, while I have to spend 5 minutes explaining that while we have to secure our borders immigrants aren’t the cause of all our woes.

    And while I’m in the middle of my 5 minute explanation debunking your first horseshit point, you interject “Gays are over running our schools and molesting our kids!”…

    So yea… The truth has a huge disadvantage in the online space because it’s so easy to spread lies.