To install linux
To install linux
Sorry I dont find the repo, it was on github
My terminal font is NerdFont Hack
Yo I’m giving up too, I know it’s hard but, as guy said to me:
How can we expect to get lucid at night when we’re going through our waking lives in auto-pilot? If we practice being here and now and being aware of the nature of our reality, that mindset will sooner or later be a part of our lives, both waking and dreaming.
Awareness in waking life is necessary for Lucid Dreams
Try it, and dont give up
Why don’t you join !, you could be helpful to build that community
I think some gentoo with “bare minimum to boot” bootloader, kernel and init would beat that
Those are not private at all, whatsapp, as a protocol (so basically xmpp) is pretty good using E2E. Facebook/Meta collects your metadata, but not the messages.
Soon they’ll be bribing the govt to make going outside illegal.
That was 2020
… for ye Oh no kanye west, AGAIN!
Completely right.
I’d say free(as in beer)ware