Which bias checker do you recommend?
Which bias checker do you recommend?
What tool is that bias checker?
Neurons undergo physical change in their interconnectivity. New connections (synapses) are created, strengthened, and lost over time. We don’t have circuits that can do that.
For real. Are they trying to make me NOT want to be that guy, cause…
Yeah, proper cohort attribution seems to be a little lacking by this data analyst. I’d say gender bias has already occured before your specific sample point… bro
A firm “no shit talking” policy goes a long way in the workplace. Being kind and polite and letting it all roll off of you is the best way. This sounds like a trap. I wouldn’t take the bait. And let anyone else who wants to dish know that you don’t engage in slandering coworkers.
Misinformation is bad for both the population and for journalism. If it was true, honest reporting, it wouldn’t be “propaganda”. It’s in the definition.
I struggle with similar symptoms regularly. For me the culprit is boring old anxiety. I know how to relax. I know I am not in danger. Anxious brain gonna do anxious brain stuff. Not saying this is your solution, but it sounds very close to my experience. Just like they say drowning doest look like it does in the movies, anxiety can present in many ways. Therapy is a really good thing. If you feel weird about that, I’d say (forgive the woo woo) just go for a walk every day for a week. Sounds like your brain needs a break. Love to you boss. Times tuff.
Test strips. PSA: Everyone should test their drugs and carry narcan.
Poor education and ultimately lack of trust. Distrust in our institutions, our fellow citizens, fellow humans, has been sewn for decades. The undercurrent of fear that propels these figures into power can’t be overstated. People need to stop being so fucking afraid of each other… easier said than done.
It can still drag way too many people down to its level though…
“Hiding” doesn’t justify killing civilians.
In the version where you come back as a chicken or a bug… how do you work your way back up? By being a reeealy kind and thoughtful chicken?
Edit: Or who’se to say, I guess. Maybe the bug is the most sublime existence and that’s the “top”.
Sounds like Washington state is at least doing something about it. Hopefully more states follow suit.
It ain’t about money. It’s about time. The rich still die…
Interesting article. But wow, what a ride that url was…
I’m beginning to think the majority of republicans in power are so selfish and spiteful that they resent the youth and future of younger generations and actually want to leave things worse. It’s the end-stage nihilism of their unchecked greed.
Sure. But burning musical instruments? That is just idiotic. What level of fear is that serving? I don’t get it.
11 year reddit account holder. Lemmy is so much better. Yeah, there isn’t a post for every passing thought, but people are generally more kind and that matters to me.
I feel that using housing as a commodity for building wealth is absolutely immoral. Homes should be owned by those who live in them. But investing is a personal choice. Some people choose to invest in immoral companies or practices. But what you buy with the money doesn’t change what you funded to get it.