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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • The only difference between it being forcible rape and it being “deception” is that the victim doesn’t know the real situation. It’s still forcing them to have sex against their will because if they knew the truth they would resist. The dictionary also supports this being rape.

    rape 1 of 4 noun (1) ˈrāp Synonyms of rape 1 : unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception

  • I am working on 100% RDR2 and the last bit I have to do is the gambling challenges. The last blackjack one is to win after hitting 3 times or something ridiculous like that. I sat there just playing blackjack through all 3 Robocop movies just hitting on every hand as fast as possible and I still didn’t get it.

  • Of the things I listed:

    Job - I’m always on the look out for better options, so far nothing has come up that pays more and I’m already not making enough to do the things I want to do.

    Cleaning - Already said I have gamified it to get some enjoyment out of it in the past but I don’t see any more room for improvement there.

    Traffic - I can leave work early to beat rush hour sometimes but that that only helps a little.

    Grocery store - I’ve tried going to different ones but it’s more or less the same issues at all of the ones I’ve tried. I’ve figured out which days are usually less busy but it still sucks.

    Working out - I vary my routines to not get too boring but it’s still more or less the same stuff over and over again. It was fun when I was making gains but now my physique is where I want it to be so it’s just maintenance.

    Cooking- can try making new stuff but that just takes longer and comes with the risk of waste if I mess it up or don’t like it. Also sharing a kitchen with housemates that tend to pack all the freezer space with garbage they buy from costco.

    Free time - I guess I could stay up later but then I’ll feel like shit all day the next day.

    I’m open to suggestions but you’re acting like I don’t think about this shit constantly.

  • I can’t pick and choose what I do or do not enjoy doing. There’s nothing engaging about cleaning or doing laundry. When I first got out on my own there was at least some challenge in figuring out the most efficient way of doing things but that’s all been mastered long ago. My job mostly consists of going down a list of projects and emailing people to find out why they haven’t finished things that should have been done weeks ago. Then when I leave I get to sit in traffic for half an hour. Maybe stop at one of the over crowded, understaffed grocery stores to overpay for food. Get home, work out for an hour, shower, cook food, clean up, do whatever else needs doing. There’s nothing to enjoy about any of that. It’s all tedious as hell. I might have an hour or two after everything else is done to unwind before bed and even then I usually have too much on my mind to really get immersed in anything.

  • Without ambition and drive people would still be living in caves. You think someone’s going to learn science or medicine without ambition or drive?

    I haven’t watched any significant amount of TV in 12 years let alone news channels. I don’t need some jabbering moron with an agenda to tell me how I should feel about things I can observe with my own eyes. I wasn’t even initially talking about people receiving government assistance, I was talking about my coworkers I’ve had at various jobs. It’s always a situation where the few are carrying the many and whatever their reason for being lazy, the outcome is more work and problems and stress for their fellow workers. It’s selfish as fuck. I’m not exactly the pinnacle of mental health myself but I power through it when necessary so I don’t create problems for others.